BrandonOrange TurdWhat frustrates me is this is going to back up my parents end times bs. Wars and diseases and natural disasters. The Bible foretold it!
And you fucking voted for all of it. Is it really a prophecy if the followers push for it all to happen?
Ask them what happened to the people in the Bible that worshipped false idols and praised the anti-christ.
They will just claim the idols aren’t false.
Ask me how I know. >_<
We make it happen and then we say tadaaaahh, just like the Bible predicted!
These people, and I’m sorry that they’re you’re parents, should be put in institutions where they will be cared for until they die. Or maybe just transport them all to an island where they can get all the diseases they want without cures and without anything science has given this world, so not even the pants on your ass. Find a cave to live I until you die.
I’m so so so so so so so extremely done with these people.
Protip: Don’t watch the documentary “Praying for Armageddon”…
We are a lovely little joke to the rest of the world.
Gallows humour
I mean, Texas had always been a bit of a joke…
Texas is like a mule with a spinning wheel. Completely fucking worthless
There’s a reason why the saying in Norway “it’s completely Texas”, meaning it’s total madness.
We are going from a country that had an economy that was the envy of the world to a shithole country in short order.
Both go together
No, you’re a menace to the rest of the world.
That too, unfortunately
Yeah, an Aristocrats joke.
That does track. Magats do like to fuck their family members, and animals
Jesus fucking Christ
What else can be said? It’s going to get worse. Things have to get so much worse, until Trump fulfills his promise: “We’re gonna win so much you may even get tired of winning and you’ll say ‘Please, please. It’s too much winning. We can’t take it anymore. Mr. President, it’s too much.’”
This is what winning looks like to him.
I guarantee you’ll be able to see the inside of his skull on live television before the end of the year
“We’re getting these babies now–strong, American babies–these babies are at temperatures, big numbers, numbers we haven’t seen for 60 years here. Yesterday I had… a baby came to me, tears in his eyes, he said ‘Sir’–these tough babies call me sir, have you noticed that?–he said ‘Sir, you’re giving us something in this country that we haven’t had in generations.’ People are saying they’ve never seen this before. We brought it back.”
At this rate, donvict should make another fake branch of the government like “doge” and call it Ministry of Winning.
AKA Ministry for Public Enlightenment and Propaganda
Jesus Christ: “I want nothing to do with this.”
“Jesus, take the whe…”
Jesus tucked and rolled about 40 miles back.
Meanwhile, God’s re-living His glory days. After 2020, He’s still having fun bringing back various versions of Plague, and has realised that some of the oldies like measles still slap.
As of 2022 He’s got War going again too. And this year wouldn’t you know it, despite an early attempt to revamp a classic with cyber warfare and drones, folks have leaned into retro Daseinskampf, Anschluss, and Aktivismus vibes. Kids these days!
Things are going so well, it looks like he’s gonna move Famine from a limited to a global release in the near future.
Great job by the new health secretary.
“Heckuva job,
BrownieBobby”.katrina shaped tears for the whole fucking country.
Said anyone seeing that title.
Oh, FFS.
Meanwhile, Bobby Brainworm - is he still pitching vitamin A?
Yep, as of this week at least… For some background, Vitamins A, D, E, and K are the fat-soluble vitamins. This means overdosing on them can take quite a long time to fully recover from. Excessive Vitamin A can result in significant liver, bone, central nervous system, and skin damage, as well as hair loss. But I’ve not once heard RFK say anything about dosage, which is idiotic for someone in his position. Vitamin A’s primary role for humans involves regulating cell/tissue growth and differentiation. Vitamin A’s main prescription usage is for cystic or nodular acne under the brand name Accutane. Accutane’s dosage needs to be very dialed in, so much so that the patients using it must get monthly blood work, if not bimonthly or weekly. Additionally, women must agree to not get pregnant on Accutane, as it leads to severe birth defects and other pregnancy complications. But sure, the dude in charge of the department of health sees no need to say anything about dosage, just that taking Vitamin A is helpful for measles while there’s an exceptional vaccine readily available…
Listen nerd, that was a lotta words. Nothing that matters takes that many words to say.
You can tell Vitamin A is good cuz it’s the first one. We need to get back to basics in this country. You ever heard of a kid getting too many A’s?
Git yer fiddly science outta my child-rearin!
Vitamin S ™. That’s one better than Vitamin A.
mmmm polar bear livers
Apparently vitamin A can help with measles, but that’s, helpful when you get it. It won’t help preventively, which is the most likely way (and likely in large quantities) those people will be taking it.
Of course it can, that’s how these people operate. There will almost always be a kernal of truth buried under miles of bullshit.
iirc it’s also only helpful if you’re already deficient in vitamin A, which the majority of Americans aren’t. It’s the same thing with Ivermectin: it looked like it was helpful for covid in aggregate, but only in developing countries where parasites are common. So, treating someone’s parasites with a horse dewormer made the person healthier overall and meant their immune system could commit more resources to fighting covid, but someone without parasites (meaning the majority of Americans) would get absolutely no benefit.