Hahahahahaha. Oh, goodness, no.
Hahahahahaha. Oh, goodness, no.
I remember seeing a Baywatch documentary on TV when I was a kid. Pamela Anderson was going on about how they cut the legs of their swimsuits to be much higher up their thighs than the actual lifeguard uniforms they were based on. And how they were required to ice their nipples before each take so that they had pokeys in every scene.
The 90s was a decade.
It’s made out of the same material as the Cybertruck.
Looks like a 1990s corporate training video.
She is within her rights, and so are you.
Ironically, this is valid version of the above comic’s invalid application of agreeing to disagree. Neither of you are hurting the other by having differing opinions.
If you haven’t already, you should send a message to the artist voicing your moral support but explaining why you can’t financially support her.
Police officer: “And I took that personally.”
The Sony Bravia I have now is the first Android device I have ever owned. It is also, coincidentally, the first TV I have had to hard reboot on a regular basis because the HDMI stack keeps crashing.
I have never and will never allow this thing to go online.
Congratulations, Elon. You’ve made John DeLorean look wildly successful.
He’s self-diagnosing. It’s a cry for help.
“There’s that word again; heavy. Is there something wrong with Earth’s gravitational pull in the future?”
McDonald’s: “It’s okay, these aren’t eggs.”
You fool! Now it’s broken into several different large pieces.
It wasn’t a jackpot ticket.
As long as you needed that $8 then, it’s nothing to regret.
At least you’re not that guy who used whole bitcoins to buy a pizza.
Bernie Dawn, Bernie Day, and Bernie Dusk.
Aww, look at the little hortlets.