Yeah, this… Stop haggling with words, actually do something to fix it
Yeah, this… Stop haggling with words, actually do something to fix it
We have a winner
No, you can’t.
You dan bit by bit remove it from the worod while thousands or millions die, sure, but you can’t make ti only attack the US while leaving your country alone.
European justice are designed to at least try to rehabilitate people, because you know they will come back
The American justice system is all about revenge. Don’t care they will be released again, they’ll screw up again and we will again have our revenge
Seems Musk is already working hard on eliminating any competition he might have. Wants to get rid of NASA too, I mean, there are companies that can do this, y’know? Let me think, what company could take over from NASA… Mmmm… 🤔
Hat would be the stupidest idea ever.
You cannot control viruses. They’ll mutate and cross borders whether you like it or not, it WILL come back to bit you in the balls
Yeah,I had this discussion in other subs but let’s say that I was less successful
So trump is going to start a trade war with the entire world now?
What is the next word after “great” when talking about economic depressions?
Great way to lose customers
Having said that, what’s up with the “unhoused” thing? It homeless. Are we now calling it differently because homeless is now all of the sudden insulting? How long until “unhoused” suddenly is a bad word?
Can we please just stop pushing changing words? Homeless is fine, you’re without a home. It sucks, people should support you, not shun you, but changing words is just virtue signalling that doesn’t do anything to make anything better for anyone
We need to put laws in place to limit free speech for either companies or people with large followings. If you have a large following you should not be allowed to say what you want because it ALWAYS ends bad.
You can say what science knows to be true and if you make bullshit claims that can be disproven you van either admit that you don’t know what you’re talking about and people stlhould stop listening to you, or you go to jail
PHP is effin awesome, I solve almost everything with it, and fast
JavaScript is the worst, in general
So musk pulled a Reddit spez?
Not surprising as musk is a scammer who got incredibly lucky, always has been.
Fuck spez and fuck musk
Oohh, solar roadways, part 4621559
Trailer: they suck, don’t work, and are made by people who have no idea what the fuck they’re doing
People use windows because Microsoft has an enormous marketing and legal department that will do anything needed to put the image in people’s head that Linux sucks, windows is awesome. Open source sucks, but office365 is amazing.
People use windows because they manage do get windows everywhere in schools and companies. They use windows because they can’t avoid it
The problem, of course, is that windows is an absulute turd of a system, it is fucking godawful when placed next to Linux.
If Microsoft would spend the same amounts of money on proper software development as they did on legal and marketing, windows wouldn’t be as bad, but also nobody would be using it
Do they, though?
Scientists drive innovation, engineers drive innovation
Billionaires just throw money around
Tax billionaires until their fortune is at a max of say, 10 million dollars. Use those trillions in tax revenue to fund a wife range of non profit orgs that will fund companies to improve innovation.
Sounds like a much better solution than the current timeline
Awesome username!