An actual manhole cover, this is either going to transcend shitpost or literally define it.
Nobody in their right mind would put that inside, so was either built by someone not in the right mind or an extension that just paved right over it.
Manhole covers are used for structural rigidity and tamper prevention.
First (and most hopeful) thing that would come to mind is a rainwater sewer.
No idea of country of origin, it could be someone’s idea of a protective measure for a boundary trap If the sewer main runs directly under the property which would be a bit unusual.
If it is a shaft to a regular sewer, I think you’d smell that.
Rent’s going to go crazy if it turns out to be a parallel dimension attached to a mansion or something.
British hole
Really? That doesn’t look like a UK manhole cover, where abouts is it?
In my apartment, duh
In your *flat then? 🧐
Of course, sir, I love to have my taps split into warm and cold and having my shower head bolted to the wall at a height no man could possibly be comfortable with.
It’s only in the US that shower heads are fixed to the wall btw 🧐🧐
I’m not US or British and have never even heard of a shower like that.
I’m gonna have to pay more attention to the showers in movies.
Now that I think of it, yeah, lots movies just have a shower head coming out of the wall. That’s sort of dumb.
We have these. Oh fuck it’s not uploading the pic for some reason
Ugh either there’s some bug and I’m posting 7 images or I’m not posting a single one, which I think is the case as no link here
It’s probably a chute for an old coal or wood heater. These are pretty common in houses built in the late 19th and early 20th century in the US.
IIRC this was a reddit post, but without the Snapchat text. I do have a vague memory of the OP being from Britain and that they came to the conclusion that it was some sort of sediment tank.
Oldest instance of that image from
Elevating the most realistic comment from the linked thread:
This is quite common for extensions in the UK at least. If there is a man hole you can often get permission to build over it but you would need to be able to provide access should it be needed. In the 15 years of living in a houses with one under our kitchen no one has ever needed access. These is one just outside in the side passage so likely most blockages should they arise could be cleared from that one. A previous property was similar but they had tiled and concreted over so would make a mess should they ever need access.
Edit: one in our kitchen, if access was needed they would need to move kitchen units and break grout.
I’d agree on location. But that cover is somewhere between 100 and 300 lbs :) That’s be one hell of a chute cover :)
Step 1: Refuse to pay
Step 2: Hide in secret room
Step 3: ???
Step 4: Become the main charactor of Parasite (the movie)?
Step 5: join the ninja turtles to help fight crime in the city.
- Collect fees on all water passing under your apartment as you are paying an amazing rental rate on public infrastructure.
Step 4
it just hit me that there’s a main character in that movie. So many memorable side characters
deleted by creator
Wouldn’t she have been able to see the shurikens more easily in the first panel?
she’s facing the same way he is, so I don’t think so
Additional living space (you need specialized training and a permit to enter)
TMNT living beneath your living room
The staircase to the center of the earth, where zombie Hitler lives with a pet T-Rex named Blondie (see Iron Sky 2)
I thought Hitler lived in the moon?
That was the first movie. And not Hitler himself.
Teenagers in a hardshell… Hopefully you aren’t too late and can bring them back to life with some pizza?
…heroes in a half-shell* 😋
Turtle power!
You know they’re going to raise your rent anyway.
As above so below
Heh, man hole
Barbarian (2022)
What the fuck this is news worthy
It’s a shitpost ya dingus
What the fuck? This is news worthy!
Damn I’m the dingus!
Ah yes, punctuation, the difference between “let’s eat, grandma!” And “let’s eat grandma”
Well uhhh
Fake news never hurt anyone
Where’s the fake news in a joke post?
I think you landed in the wrong sub/channel.
Well because I was mocking myself for not realising
It was not serious
You are fake news (in trump voice)
Is this a news site
It is if I only get my news from it!
That’s probably website racism