New car day, yay!
Aww yiss! What is this new car?
Scored an i30n, very fun zoomy car!
206 killer wasps?? Zoomy INDEED!! Enjoy!
Sah excited for the zips!
My brother has one and they are a lot of fun. Set everything to comfort and the exhaust to Sport Mode and you can sound like a feral beast just driving around normally
Ooooh, good tip, thank you!
The powder blue colour?!
Nah, it’s white (for now).
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Nellie quarterly update just landed 😺 She likes custard.
Ahhhh so cute! I have to remember to go visit the next time I’m in Perth!
Termite Custard is such a great enrichment idea!!!
Thunderbolts & lightning, very very frightening.
The cat is hiding, the clouds are out, my plan to go get brekkie supplies is cancelled
I’ve just got distant ominous rumbling here, it looks on the radar like the storm is passing to the south of me.
I had been hoping to attack the laundry backlog.
I wonder if constant strange weather is going to effect each of our psyche’s and well as national mood.
it’s known hot weather and windy weather effects us, what if strange weather was a constant
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I’m really sorry if my mood lately is affecting anyone else. I used to tough things out, macgyver my way around problems or distract myself with projects but life has been really difficult for a long time now and I am struggling severely.
If I seem really fractious, getting upset at what seems like small things, or oddly rough/blunt in my manner it is not at you.
-big hugs-
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It’s okay Melba, I havent noticed you being blunt or anything :) besides, being fractious is understandable with having to deal with your health and melbcat’s, and the stress of it all.
We love you, I don’t think you could do anything to turn us against you :D
^^ this. I have never thought you were whiny or otherwise antisocial. Please vent away. You are going through shit and we are here for you. I like to hear your updates, and I feel good when you have little wins.
I want whatever drugs the BoM is on. Supposed to be 20C tonight? Going up to 23? In what universe…
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Currently 14 here. With a forecast overnight low of 17 and back up to 23 at midnight. Something’s not adding up.
I got a good laugh out of this. I too am sad for the revision down from 27.
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Ohh that only means one thing in early spring ; WIND. GIANT HAYFEVER NORTH WIND
Do NOT want
Already there bby with a blocked nose and watery eyes 👌
I’ve been snorting nasonex in preparation for just this eventuality. I might hang out next to the air filter as well.
Jane said it will be 26c tomorrow.
And I’ll also win tattslotto. Good news all around!
Wow. Thats stuffed up and do weird. I really hope it doesn’t up like it says!
When I went to bed it was 14 degrees, now 22.6
I think you owe the BoM an apology…
Going to try to get part of Big Assignment done today!! Shall report back.
Can’t wait until this is all over and I can finally study my education course (that has no lectures yay)!
No you!! <3
Off for a drive in the country today. Fingers crossed I can still get petrol at under 190c this afternoon when I need to fill up. I do have a lock on 180c at 7/11, so if it has a massive jump I can at least get the 25c discount. These 40c+ jumps suck.
Use petrolspy!
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I’ve seen under 170c per litre around lately, I’d be re-locking. Just used my app, found 164.9/l. When I was in NZ petrol was almost $3/l! We have it good.
just heard a long time raver friend passed away.
Her family went over to hers’ on father’s day to see why she wasn’t picking up. She had a fall in the bathroom and hit her head. Apparently she’d been there for 2 days. She was only in her 30’s. I really cannot imagine what that’d be like finding your daughter and sister that way.
I’m at a loss for words. edit and by that I mean shocked
That’s awful. I’m so sorry.
The Void has discovered that he is actually athletic enough to get to the top of the fridge. The house parkour range has been noisily expanded.
Come over for a parkour play date.
Oh Lordy!!
I really want to do one of those whole room cat runs at picture rail level, with the steps and stuff.
Nice little weekend project for you
After the whole buy a house part…
I’m doing an open day trial at a co-working space today as I seriously need to get out of the house at least one day during the week, full time WFH gets super monotonous and negatively affects my mood. As sad as this sounds, I was excited today to get dressed up and leave my house on a work day. The office I’m at is new and super nice, if a bit loud. It’s nice to be around people during work time but nobody doing the trial (I think we’re all sitting in the same area) is talking to one another? I’m not sure it’s worth paying to use a co-working space where I just keep to myself, I can do that at home for free. I need to suss whether the place organises networking opportunities for members to mix, to make a membership worth it.
I totally get it. I come in to the office every day to help my mental health
But how do you have your daily afternoon siesta?
There’s phone booth pods, sound proofed, good for snooze
Ha we have those here too, we call them screaming booths.
I do that while working
I also get this, I know most commentators online would rather WFH all the time and don’t get me wrong, I do love 1-2 days WFH in the week - but every single day would drive me to depression (and has done so). Not necessarily because I have no friends/life outside of work but because I like my work to feel like I’m not operating like a slave in solitary confinement all the time (worse yet having that dungeon of confinement be a permanent fixture of my home). I’m really glad I have at least 2-3 work days involving positive colleague interactions that take me out of my headspace
I like working at home, but only the boringest bits of my job can be done there. Te good stuff requires being on site. Unfortunately I lost my ‘office’ to Covid rules and now have to be around other people while there. This sucks rancid donkey gnads
Why do universities insist on group assignments?
Because employment is one big group assignment.
There it is.
To break you, keep you sleep deprived and lower your scores in other subjects.
It’s absurd that you can work your ass off and have your mark lowered because of someone else.
I got out of mine by being unwell last week, so I did it by myself today 😅
Is the average teenage population really have a lack of respect?
Appointment booked for 7.30pm last night. Quick c++ basics lesson and homework help as a favour for my wife’s classmate’s kid. I never used c++ by trade so I spent some time getting familiar with it, and how to play Farkle.
7.30pm comes and the 17yo just bails and says they’re having dinner, no apology. Wife and I were like, fuck it, dumped the appointment and went to sleep at 8pm.
Sent another message this morning reminding them to be there or cancel 4hr before, some notes and a reminder that they don’t have enough time now, and don’t chicken out. Straight up says they promise, no greetings.
Sent another message this morning reminding them to be there or cancel 4hr before, some notes and a reminder that they don’t have enough time now, and don’t chicken out. Straight up says they promise, no greetings.
Nope. Message 'em back and say “Sorry no longer able to assist you”. If they ask why just be blunt “Mate, you were disrespectful as heck, I was helping you as a favor, if your gonna be rude then I dont have to do shit”
This is the way.
As the owner of a teenager, I second this
Yep, if they fail to show up for the 7.30pm tonight (which was agreed upon on Monday) then that would be the message.
I am contemplating just telling them at the beginning of the meeting, prior to commencing the lesson.
You won’t have manners if they are not taught to you.
I was traumatised to the point of enforcing them lol.
“The beatings will continue until
moralemanners improve”
Lack of consequences is also part of it.
If they got charged for not cancelling in time they’ll learn real fast.
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They did go through a few years of covid that probably fucked them up in ways like this. You could let them know their tone seem unappreciative of being given a tutoring favour. Mind you, I’d’ve thought there was enough online about learning C++ in a self directed manner so maybe the kid just isn’t interested. Don’t measure all 17yo’s by Baku’s level of maturity.
I didn’t directly use Baku as a reference.
But I did have Overwatch friend, so mature I thought they were 25, until they mentioned they suddenly mentioned that they were 15 at the time. So that was the baseline I had since then.
How do we even know Baku is actually 17 🤔 lol but yeah some teens are just… Something else. I think most teens are like normal and respectful, they just test boundaries, it’s what growing up is about lol
Hobart is 4 degrees warmer than we are. hrmm.
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