Visited mum for a few hours. She’s in good hands… those nurses at the eye and ear are really caring.
That’s great news, glad she’s in good care.
thank you :) truly amazing staff.
Sending you love, I hope she recovers well 💜💜
Thank you :)
just want to say thanks to everyone for the support yesterday regarding mum’s fall. truly is a great community here.
She’ll be home tm or the next so that’s a good thing.
I didn’t see that, best of luck to your mum
Good luck. Lots of hugs for your mum, she must be really scared too.
I saw your post but fell asleep before replying, just wanted to say it’s a huge undertaking you’re doing but you’ve got a very good head on you and I have faith you’ll get through this next hard bit well even if it’s gonna mean several hard conversations with your mum. Our favourite witch had some excellent suggestions. Feel free to vent here any time
I don’t think I’ve ever seen a poor idea with our favourite witch.
And thank you. Was a bit of a confronting day. Tm will be reducing hazards.
♡ You got this, your parents are very lucky to have someone so switched on and conscientious as their son :)
I will probably be facing the same conversations in the next few years with the added bonus of both parents overseas and almost no-contact with one.
I missed that post, but I hope she recovers well. It’s scary when they get to the stage of having falls.
Ted is scaring me.
Angry Son 😂
vet put him on a diet
ted is now eating bill’s food
there will be fights
Bums against the wall I wouldn’t trust that
ha ha, tomorrow he gets a sedative so I can remove his dags without him biting me , fun times
That cat is truly splendid.
Ooh, he’s pissed off
Kubrick stare
He looks like an angry cotton ball that’s fallen in some soot 😠
Ted is spaced out. All knots and dags have been removed and he’s been brushed nicely.
close up of Ted seeing magic stars
This is inspirational. My goal for tonight is to emulate this level is consciousness. Fingers crossed
hehe ted never stood a chance with them dags and drugs.
He’s gorgeous! I want to ruffle that fluffy tum
I knoooow. 😻 I got to brush and pat his tummy, 💖 normally he’s all bites and scratching and thrashing about but it did need to be done, he was getting some mats under there.
I’m looking to replicate this energy shortly lol
He’s off with the fairies. I wish that was me…
What a beautiful little corner of the internet this space is. Thank you for all of the love and support lately, I really appreciate it and will absolutely keep passing it on and lifting you wonderful people up where I can!
sigh Really cannot complain.
Whoever said salmon sushi was the best, I wholeheartedly agree :)
yes, it is good 🍥
Salmon sushi vs. spicy tuna though? What would be your preference?
Porque no los dos?
I do a honey chicken that is magnificent. I might make some today.
Yum! Do report back if you ended up making it :)
Gotta have the avocado tho
I’m glad I talked myself into the gym.
Incoming vent:
Birthday being next week, it’s a real rough time to be honest. I can’t help but think about how I don’t have any family to spend time with. I know I’m not the only one in this position, but still feels bad.
When I was unemployed, I lost a couple of really close friends who I usually hang out with, but I’m grateful for the people in my life that I do have.
It sounds funny, but I’ve kinda felt like a stray human since I was young.
Things could always be worse, and I try to keep that in mind. I just have moments of weakness where I wish for things that seem so out of grasp.
/end vent
We’ll be here!
Also, yes people may have it worse, but it’s a very human thing to want to satisfy our need for connection and belonging. It is not weak.
It’ll be okay, the birthday sads are real. You belong, and I’ll be coming to celebrate. We can make our own families :D
We are your chosen family my friend, we’ll always be here for you. You’re fine, you will be fine, and what you’re feeling right now is completely normal ❤️
Also happy birthday for next week!
Yeah mum used to say something like that ❤️
Does anyone know how long you’re allowed to stretch out your turning 40 mid life crisis? I’m down to less than 23 hours until that awful meaningless day but still kinda wanna push it out a little longer.
Ummmm. I’ve just turned 45 and still in the midst… but I’m also embracing my inner Cat Lady. And I’ve just had 2 weeks off work, and can wholeheartedly agree that working sucks but I like stuff, and stuff costs money.
I was just joshing and honest 45 is nothing. I’m jealous of your cats as they are amazing animals, just a shame I’m hospital level allergic to them so I’m happy that you’re living the life I wish I could have ❤️
But am really sick of this whole money thing. Like why can’t we just all be generous friends?
you don’t need permission and other people don’t get to define your life
do what ever you want and ignore what people say, they aren’t living your life
I know, I was just being playful and I am very happy and enjoying my life. Many loves <3
I generally prefer to condense my mid life crises into a short but intense period of reading and planning. As I get a heads up from my older sister reaching significant milestones a few years before I do any crisis is over before the applicable birthdate.
I don’t think I had much of a crisis at 40 though, it was more just a short-lived “gosh, when did I get so old!” feeling. 50 was much bigger and led to some major introspection and mapping out of life goals and plans. It probably took a couple of years to get through that. But I started early, so I’m pretty much done even though I have another year before I actually get to 50 myself.
Agree. 40 was easy. Upcoming 50 is the real deal. 40 I was actually still good looking, fit, etc. 50, the aging is real. Introspection, reflecting, etc all been going on for some time.
I think there are two types of mid life crisis, which loosly correlate to 40 & 50 years (but are probably more influenced by life events than the actual age).
The first is realising you’ve reached an age where you expected to achieve or have a bunch of things you want, and you might either realise that some goals are not going to happen, or might decide it’s time to go out and buy or do things you’ve been planning for “later”.
But the second one is more confronting - you realise your body is starting to slow down, you have parents who are needing care or passing away, and you realise retirement is on the horizon rather than a far distant future. Some people use it this realisation to accept and plan for the future. That’s what I’ve been doing, I’ve worked out finances, plans for retirement, plans for caring for my parents and eventually plans for myself to wind down and move into supported accommodation or aged care. It’s surprisingly reasuring, instead of a scary void in the future I have realistic plans and know I have finances in place to have a decent retirment - if things go well there might even be some room for extravagence!
Other people get scared at the second stage and choose to deny it instead. They fob off planning for old age with “when I get like that just take me out and shoot me” and refuse to concede to the reality of an aging body - these are the people who fall off ladders trying to clean the gutters, have nasty accidents because they refuse to stop driving, or fall over, break a hip and lie on the floor for hours becuse they refuse mobility aids and emergency alerts. If they have also YOLO’d the “kid’s inheritance” away without realising it was actually their own aged care funding they were spending they can end up in a pretty shitty place. It’s a bit of a self fulfilling prophecy - avoiding planning for aging because you are scared of it tend to create the sort of situations that make aging something to be scared of.
I was just joshing mate but completely agreed. This is the third time I’ve been through this so I’ve learnt from my mistakes of the past and is why I’ll always tell you I’m 25 + number that adds up to my real age.
I’m looking forward to 50 as I’m sure I’ll have everything figured out by then.
It’s just super weird getting old and knowing my parents had me when they were like 15-18 years younger than me, and here I am living in a different country, traveling to others and still going to gigs.
Can’t have a midlife crisis if you don’t know your own expiry date taps forehead wisely
I like you and your attitude. Can I get your news letter?
Try looking at it as a victory.
Well I still look and act like I’m 25 so you maybe onto something there ❤️
Just wish I could end this whole having to work thing.
ah man that really fucking sucks. Sorry you have to deal with that.
That was absolutely fucking hilarious mate. Especially because I’m on a sabbatical and not working atm 😁
Oh man that’s what I get for posting drunk lol
Mate, don’t be ashamed. I’m having a midday beer just because I can :D
No matter which age, I think many of us wish we could.
You do you! I’ve met some very interesting older adults. A woman whose hair was still naturally brown in her 70s, another one who was pretty vocal about still feeling 27 in her mind, men in their 70s that still ride motorcycles and so on.
I’m in two minds about aging. They’re just my thoughts, but we’re in a time where elective treatments prolong life or at least QOL, that can be take for granted. OTOH, there are both modifiable risk factors and luck of the draw when it comes to aging.
More than one way of doing things. I’ll probably age disgracefully any way. 😂
I once met a couple in their 60/70s who were at a bands first ever gig, we were having a great chat and they hushed me when the band started playing. So much respect for that.
Everyone’s journey in life is different and it doesn’t matter how you age it’s about the fun you have along the ride.
I expect to just have one ongoing lifelong crisis 👍
You do you and live your life in whatever way you want to! I’ve always got you if you fall.
I had one of those. It was expensive.
Yeah, it’s turning out quite expensive. I’ve enjoyed the hols though!
I embarked on a radical career change a 45. A totally different industry. Worth it.
I met Mat from Mat’s Hot Shop at a festival. He’d lost his job and said fuck it and started selling hot sauce instead. What a legend. I’m really happy that your career change has worked out for you!
Wish I could do the same but that tech money is too good :/ Someday maybe I’ll become a farmer like I want to be.
Mat is so awesome. I aspire to be like him
It was my birthday today, headed down to Ballarat to spend it with family. Replacement V/Line coaches did my head in though.
Happy Birthday! 🎈
Happy Birthday!!
First flowers have appeared on the volunteer tomatoes from the compost heap. Several on one stalk so I fink they’re cherry toms. I hope.
I bet they’re gonna taste sooo good.
Yeah, home grown food always tastes so much better!
I’m curious now. :)
Richmond is pretty good. I think Abbotsford might be better. Loving my time in Melbs
As a travelled immigrant, Melbs is ftw. Don’t think I’ll ever call any where else “home”.
Oooh check out maniax
in non pooh news, got a wild hair up my arse yesterday and ripped up half the backyard paving. His Lordship toppled the rest this arvo (I left it for him to go SMASHY SMASHY with the sledge, he so rarely gets to)
IN MY DEFENSE it’s a pathway we’re gonna replace anyway because 1) it’s too narrow for my garden trolleys and 2) the bloody thing’s subsided to the point where it’s at a 40 degree angle and 3) I need the new level for the end point between the food garden ground level and the path for aforementioned trolleys. And I didn’t mean to. I set the goal of moving my fruit trees to the other side of the greenhouse, and edging down it so we could plot.
But then I looked at those nice clean edges and thought “I could get a pry under there, I wonder how easy it would be?”
Surprisingly easy as it turned out. Especially with a 2 meter lever. But then I had a meter and a half of 15cm thick concrete with bluestone chips embedded through it at a 90 angle. No point in letting it back down after all that, and I couldn’t leave it propped up. what if it fell down on wildlife? To the sledgehammer! So then I had pieces that will become the crazy paving on the new path.
Then I started wondering if the next piece would come up that easily and, well, curiosity, cats and now we’re missing 8m of pathway. Birds are going apeshit on the rolly pollies.
Living vicariously through this
I live cathartically through your epic backyard landscaping adventures, looking forward to the day I can go in on buying a house and bitta land with someone so I can potter around/go manic as needed (well as much as I can, considering I’ll probably be arthritic by the time I can afford that).
Already arthritic, embrace the pain!
Smashing shit up in the backyard is very therapeutic, too. Or, at least, some heavy-duty gardening, and you get a bonus full green bin
Fun as hell, too
This pretty bee at my uncle and aunts property
Sedatives have been given to Ted, now I just have to wait for them to knock him out before I can groom him.
I think we need a photo of a spaced out ted.
He’s getting a little wobbly but he’s still spicy.
He’s also on a diet. He gets his normal food but I give Bill less. iow, less food for him to steal.