I remember once in high school there was a super long and cool meteor shower at like 2 or 3 am. on a school night. My parents let me skip school the next day, and my friend stayed over, and we stayed up all night to see it. Core memory unlocked that night.
These are the consequences of using the cloud for everything!
Regular stars are cool too so I check whenever I’m outside at night
Light pollution means you don’t even need clouds to miss the stars
About 5 years ago my wife and I went to Bryce Canyon. The area around there is fairly secluded with few people living there, thus there’s little light pollution. As a result, the area is well known for it’s night sky, as you can see more stars there than just about anywhere else in the continental US. Anyway, guess what we saw when we were there.
Two people fucking
You never realize just how often clouds are around until you want to look up.
If you’re like me weather has a huge influence on my work so you develop an oversensitivity to it and always looking at the sky taking notes, observing how it behaves and learning to predict what it’s gonna do next.