white text on yellow background, that’s infuriating
If someone does not take the least amount of effort to answer a simple question like that one … then he doesn’t care about you in the slightest.
“But its a generic question!”
Two words: common courtesy.
People (guys usually) also answer like this when they are trying to tell you exactly what you want to hear so that you’ll sleep with them. They feel like if they give any wrong answer early on, they’ve lost their chance. It’s a very manipulative mindset. He was like a deer in the headlights, not knowing if any answer he gave would be the right answer since he doesn’t know her at all yet. So he stalls, hoping she’ll drop it.
Or he might just be an idiot.
Either way, drop them and move on to somebody who will be real with you.
In other words, playing games, i.e trying to “tick her funne bone” so he gets someone else to play instead of himself. But what most of those guys fail to acknowledge is that “tickling her funne bone” takes time – it’s not a “free pussy pass” of any sort that you “say it”, and she goes “WHOOAAA fuck me mister! Fuck me right NOW!”. That is not “acting tough” or smart, but acting like a douche.
Yeah, that was my thought as well. This is the type of person who is only going to say something of they think it will impress you. The second possibility is that they will share nothing of themselves, period. In either case, they don’t seem like good relationship material.
What he gave was the wrong answer IMO.
They feel like if they give any wrong answer early on, they’ve lost their chance.
To be fair, that’s usually correct. Women have their pick of men, generally. If a guy answers a band she doesn’t like, most likely she’ll move on.
So guys lie and tell her everything she wants to hear. And then once they get their foot in the door, they can start telling the truth.
This guy handled it very badly but I can see why he didn’t want to answer.
Yeah I may not be a relationship expert but if I have to lie for an ice breaker not even a deep question just an ice breaker I don’t think that relation will work
No, people have to like the same music to be in a relationship!!!
Me and my gf have generally have an overlap in music taste (heavy metal/hard rock) but only I like heavy electronic (too “noisy”/overstimulating for bee) and the music I don’t like of hers is more pop music (I like some of it also depends how I feel)
So I’ll go break the news to her that we have to break up due to music taste. It’s a shame cus we have a ton of shared interest but this… aw man can’t believe this is why we gotta split
/s incase it wasn’t painfully obvious
Nah it’s one of those things where some guys just prefer to talk about what they think matters to everyone, their job or financial conditions, music or other personal stuff might just be an extra on their minds
So an idiot.
If someone asks you about your taste in music, then clearly music matters to them.
It’s kind of nice when people reveal themselves to be insufferable douchebags at the outset rather than wasting your time.
her persistence indicates he is physically attractive
As my wife will tell you, there are benefits to being married to an insufferable douchebag. Chiefly, you can be pretty confident they won’t play around on you, because no one else will have them.
He has a valid point there. If he doesn’t want to say , you keep talking the same shit and expect a different answer?
Not wanting to answer a question is fine, but doing that by just being pretentious isn’t a good way of going about it. Being forthcoming about not really wanting to talk about your music preferences is fine, changing the subject politely is also fine so you don’t leave the onus of carrying conversation entirely on the other person.
Acting like your music choices are too out there for anyone else to understand is a good way to not have them relate to you in any way.
Right. He could have countered with different topic.
As a dude…
The last four songs I’ve listened to on YouTube are three pirate shanties and “We Know The Way” from the Moana soundtrack. I’m not answering this question either. :)
Smart move. Wouldn’t want to intimidate anyone with your superior taste in music
Honestly though that’s the exact kind of thing I would want to know- the real you, not the you that tell me you are.
Fuck that, “We know the way” slaps
Id say she got to know just about eveything she needed to know about this person.
This is so weird. The first response was somewhat acceptable if in a joking manner but then he quintuple downed.
Someone’s insecure about his Shakira collection.
Seriously though, I’m guessing this guy either doesn’t like music at all (I’ve known a few and they act like this) or got made fun of a lot for his music tastes in high school. It’s a shame this guy is probably a walking insecurity.
Which is a great reason to unmatch him and move on.
I didn’t even know it was humanly possible to not like music at all. What were they like? Like their personalities? Did they seem sociopathic or were they generally “normal”?
early shakira songs in spanish are the bomb though, look up her mtv unplugged album
Yeah this is like the people who would answer “radio” back in the day, when asked what their favourite music was ._.
Bro doing “being mysterious” the wrong way
Bro is being long term single if this is his game.
That yellow background is so unreadable 🍌
What confuses me is why they chose to use white text there… surely the orange background is bright enough for black text to be far easier to read?
Yes, this is 100% black text material. Like it’s not even a question lol.
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How do you read light yellow text on darker yellow background?
Once life has given you enough lemons, you become really good at discerning shades of yellow.
It’s kinda the prerequisite to getting into online dating
Sounds like urine trouble to me
One word at a time
Is the text actually yellow or are colors bleeding due to the image compression?
Even if it was white, is kind of a bad contrast for reading.
Agree, still not good design
It would still be better if it was just 2 normal size screenshots though instead of one terrible merged one.
With sunglasses like everyone else. Duh
Yeah someone crosspost this on c/fraccessibility
“It’s something you’ve never heard of”
“How do you know?”
“…because I’m never going to tell you about it”
Maybe it’s just a super closely guarded musical secret he has to keep. The cabal of music keepers does not take blabbermouths lightly
Hammerfall. That is all.
Technically the truth
This is literally out of these incel playbooks. Straight up tater tot bullshit lmao.
This guy is more of a volcel
We should make subcategories it’ll be fun!
He did WHAT??
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The whole conversation is a facepalm. This should have been 3 lines:
“What’s the last song you saved?”
'I am not comfortable sharing that information with you'
“Okay, if you’re aren’t willing to let me get to know your basic interests clearly this isn’t the kind of relationship I’m looking for. Good luck and have a nice day” [ends transmission]
That sure would be nice but that pesky ego/personality is a tough one to ignore.
I personally found that a lot of the women I talked to on dating apps acclimate themselves by becoming more jaded, sarcastic etc as a defense.
Can’t blame em haha
If only people were straight forward and detached.
Fantasy: “This relationship is not working out anymore, it is time for a break up/ divorce so we can move on with our long term lives in a more positive way.”
“Yes I agree let us proceed forward in a calm and reasonable manor with no screaming or anger. We shall split assets in a fair and non-childish way.”
“Okay I will be staying in another house/motel until the house is sold, have a good one”
“You too!”
Reality: 5 hours of incoherent scream fighting, crying and baseless threats followed by another 5 hours of passionate makeup sex
latter sounds great, not really where OP is headed lmao
Tate is telling people not to be open about their interests?
Nah, it’s the overall response pattern, tease, deny reject, feed after something really bad happens.
It’s classical abuse techniques
How is the yellow one teasing? I just see a really emotionally unavailable person with no interest in vulnerability. There’s nothing appealing or interesting, so how is it enticing interest? And what does feed mean?
Because someone is showing interest in him on an app that’s designed for finding interested people. He then reciprocates that curiosity and interest in him with “I’m not gonna tell you”
“Come on tell me”
“Haha no”
That’s textbook “teasing behavior”. Feeding is when the abuser flips about face and apologizes and does big grandiose corrections for previous behavior and then the cycle continues. This dude didn’t get that far but that’s pretty sensible considering they were only just talking and that technique is reserved as a way to “reel them back in”
Man, I don’t understand neurotypicals. In whatever world my brain is meant to be in, opaque people are unappealing
I don’t think there’s anything typical about that behavior outside that incel, wannabe player, pick up artist community … Or whatever the fuck they call it these days…
Oh, no, I mean being susceptible to these tactics. To my autism brain, whatever “trick” this incel is using is the equivalent of holding up a huge sign saying “I AM VERY BORING”. I don’t get how this attracts anyone.
Hard cringe
I’ve never had such an annoying color combination for a text message.
Incidentally I just tried banana soylent and it’s pretty good.
I passed this post like 5 times before I read it for this reason
It’s from bumble. That’s their colors
You know… It’s seeing this type of stuff I’m so happy I found my wife the old fashioned way before dating apps existed.
“Why do girls keep ghosting me? I’m such a nice guy! Bohooohoooo”