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Cake day: July 6th, 2023


  • Also, everything seems to have to be a gift now. Can’t just buy a thing and give it to them. It has to wait to be a present. Or maybe that’s just my wife.

    We specifically don’t wait for holidays to give things we want to gift to our daughter (soon to be 3). On her birthday in two weeks she will get a book, a plush animal, and a second hand peppa pig puzzle (I hate peppa pig but she loves it and she doesn’t even know there is a show). That’s it, but she gets many things throughout the year. My husband hates holidays and celebrations, I think that’s where this feeling of “let’s please not make a huge stock of presents to give her twice a year” came from. And it is so much less pressure to find “the perfect gift”.

    And you can get rid of things much more easily. I don’t know about you, but if I got a bad birthday present, I tend to keep it, because it was a birthday present. Same for children’s stuff. She got that for her first birthday feels different than she got that when she was around 14 months. Somehow it’s less sentimental, and I am an awfully sentimental and nostalgic person, so this saves my ass.

    Another point is that can change interests so quickly. I would not dare to buy her something peppa pig themed right now for Christmas or plan ahead for her 4th birthday. Or let’s say she needs a new bike - why would I wait until the end of summer to give it to her just because it’s her birthday.

    But talk to me again on September 9th, I usually get very sad that we don’t celebrate with a crap ton of presents and decorations and a big party right before her birthday.

  • I was actually pretty good at drawing and art but that one time a teacher used my drawing of santa claus as an example of how not to draw and made me cry in front of the whole class still haunts me. She used my next assignment as a positive example in front of class but it didn’t undo it. This was in 2nd or 3rd grade.

  • Ok that makes sense. I live very urbanized and unfortunately without books and talks my kid would probably grow up thinking meat grows in plastic packaging, so a local farm or butcher is rather out of reach. I’m probably also approaching this more from a laboratory perspective than necessary.

    I also hope lab grown meat catches on, but we need a) a really good cell line to not always have to take fresh cell samples from living animals and b) a sustainable and plant based alternative to FCS. I think scaling it up wouldn’t even be such a huge problem eventually. What I am much more surprised by is that so many people have an ick with lab grown meat. How is this grosser than eating a dead animal or insects?