what the heck!! that is so wild, mind blowing, i thought the main difference between raster graphics and vector graphics was the quality but i didn’t think about it too deeply.
i had no idea svg files actually used html code and pretty much could be modified using only text and amazing code woa!!! this opens up the possibility for so many things on linux i think.
for example, on a linux distro, we could modify the desktop environment and make it waaaaay lighter by getting rid of jpg or png icons and just using pure svg on it.
svg can be given a lot of attributes like movement, mouse hovering, change color, change anything. and most svg files are still under a megabyte. wow… please let me know other fun facts about svg or eps files. i really like doing graphic design on linux and inkscape.
No, SVG files are not HTML.
Please change this post title (currently “today i learned: svg files are literally just html code”), to avoid spreading this incorrect factoid!
I suggest you change it to “today i learned: svg files are just text in an html-like language” or something like that.
SVG is a dialect of XML.
XML and HTML have many similarities, because they both are descendants of SGML. But, as others have noted in this thread, HTML is also not XML. (Except for when it’s XHTML…)
Like HTML, SVG also can use CSS, and, in some environments (eg, in browsers, but not in Inkscape) also JavaScript. But, the styles you can specify with CSS in SVG are quite different than those you can specify with CSS in HTML.
Lastly, you can embed SVG in HTML and it will work in (modern) browsers. You cannot embed HTML in SVG, however.
I remember when XHTML was supposed to replace HTML. Everything was going to be standardized and web designers would run their HTML code against a validator…it was going to be glorious! And of course it never happened, because demanding that all websites conform to the XHTML standard would’ve broken a lot of websites.
So, HTML5 ate XHTML’s lunch because it was much more forgiving, and…oh yeah, you could watch videos and play games in it, too.
I fucking learned a whole-ass language for nothing back then because I thought it was the future!, fuck you, XHTML!
100% of XHTML will work in HTML5.
ok thank you very much!!
You know how they say that the internet is a series of tubes? We used to think that was just a funny old man. Turns out, it is the literal truth. The internet is made up of SVG files!