Who the fuck is signing off on the braindead mergers!
Poppi is kind of gross and the prebiotics in them do jack shit.
These corpos can keep playing tongo all they want but I’ll just stick to my flouridated dihydrogen monoxide.
Who buys Pepsi products anyways?
People pushing back against coke due to how cozy they are with current US administration
Screw both of those companies!
Is there no such thing as market competition anymore??? This is so frustrating!
Nope! We’re in late stage capitalism now where the game is a race to see which mega-corp can merger and acquisition itself into being the only company in existence where they’ll be free to squeeze every last cent out of their
customersslaves.Now that they’ve got their puppets into place in all the government offices that could actually prevent us descending into the plot of every cyberpunk dystopian story ever written, they’re going to milk it for everything it’s worth, and the room temperature IQ morons that voted them into power will cheer their enslavement every step of the way because Reagan convinced them all that government regulations are the real problem.
I mean remember last week when Trump tried speaking into existence making it illegal to even (metaphorically) shit on Teslas?