So, could something similar happen in major Australian cities – and how prepared are we? The answers are: yes, and not very.
So, could something similar happen in major Australian cities – and how prepared are we? The answers are: yes, and not very.
We use the outer suburbs as a fire break. No trees left to burn there. Just roof and road.
You think modern houses — more glue and plastic than solid timber — aren’t going to explode into flames? Modern suburbs are tinderboxes.
It the people of officer could read they’d be very VERY upset right now.
I can see this being picked up by the right as an argument against walkable urbanism (“all that density is a deathtrap!”) and in favour of the car-dependent quarter-acre-block sprawl that is Our Sacred Way Of Life.
In reality, the thin boundary between forested country and built-up areas is the problem. A solution would be to have farmland as a buffer around the cities, as pastures and fields of crops don’t burn as well as either.
Sad but true.