What jurisdiction in this?
What jurisdiction in this?
Its not google services i worry about ive pretty much degoogled everything i can. Its the google bits so deeply embedded into almost every website across the internet. If they implemented some tpm bs into chrome that somehow Verity’s itself with tpm and google servers before it loads anything then that instantly makes a majority of websites juat not work on ff with no fixes backdoors or bypasses. They will try, we have little hope in stopping it, and most people wont even notice let alone give a fuck.
I suspect this will soon be followed by a renewed effort by google to kill firefox compatability.
Well with https enforced and secure dns not much to worry about.
Its my pleasure to help
U can write sql against the search history db i believe
Umm depends on context. Could mean drug fucked, could mean too drunk, could mean regarded.
A common example would be ur mate got too drunk and did somthing moronic as a result of the intoxication at which point it would be ur duty to calk them a munted cunt.
A real aussie would be honoured to have such a portrait
Not me but…
This is why i done use meta shit. Among other reasons.
Most of the data driven web already does. Whats the fediverse run on?
Great in theory all it will take in practice is handing over government id to any social media site. We are willingly dancing down an authoritarian path and nobody seems to give a shit.
Json is superior and thats a hill im willing to die on
U looking for portable or wanna go full desktop? Wjat about gaming? If u plan on messing with ai then a fat gpu is nessasary. Id go with amd and try get a lot a threads over single thread performance.
If elon really cared about free speach he would federate.
Fuck copyright they used gplv3 code why isnt it open source
Yep but at least the weights would be free
I see people doing it and its terrifying.
There is a difference between allowed and what people do. Piracy isnt allowed u can still pirate literally anything if u want to tho.
So he doesnt give af about free speach. If he did he would federate twitter.