Canadian-American software developer living in Japan since 2015. Into gardening, DIY, permaculture, etc.

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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 12th, 2023


  • I will continue not using it. I was interested in Oculus until they sold to FB and then I nope’d right out of that. I really did think VR was neat, but various things kept me from pulling the trigger. If it becomes the only way to use chunks of the internet, I just won’t use them; I grew up still in the analog world (though we did have BBS and very early dial-up in the '80s), and I could go back to it. I’d honestly miss educational content more than anything else, but I can get books. In my lifetime, that strategy would probably still work fine.

  • MSI has a Windows utility to control the fans as desired. I don’t think there’s a BIOS boot menu, but I will check.


    Fan curves are apparently in “Hardware Monitor” because that makes sense. Blah. I still have to tweak more, or maybe Linux is just running hotter on my machine, but improvement has happened.

    I didn’t realize my BIOS could have a boot menu pop up because the splash screen disappears instantly. Problem solved. Thank you!

  • I bout a new HDD and installed linux mint. Works fine except for two major things. Related to the post, I cannot get the bootloader to find windows 10 no matter what I do. I might try to swap the windows drive to sata slot 1 and see if that (a) still works for windows and (b) gets grub2 working. For now, I have to go into the BIOS and mess with the boot order there to switch.

    The second problem, not related, is there doesn’t appear to be any fan control software that works for my MSI motherboard’s CPU fan (lmsensors doesn’t see any sensors related to it) so the fan constantly runs even when it’s fine in silent mode on windows with regard to temperature. I have trouble with certain sounds (and trouble hearing over background sounds in general) so this is actually more of a dealbreaker than the bootloader.

  • I actually got board, got a new HDD, and got linux mint on it. It doesn’t seem to have a bootloader installed and trying to install grub2 hasn’t changed anything. I’m also pretty disappointed in game support. Maybe I’m missing something, but Steam knows it’s on linux and a huge number of games in my library just say they run on windows or windows and mac.

  • I think your premise is flawed or maybe your reference frame is extremely narrow.

    As a whole, there’s basically never been a better time to be a human. There are fewer conflicts, higher standards of living, amazing medicine, etc. Yes, access to those things and damage to the environment are backsliding, but this is temporary. (Well, everything is temporary to a human if you want to go that route, but that’s not what I mean here). The trend line continues to go up, at least for now. The best thing that we can do is try to keep that trendline going up.

    Yes, I am angry, I am disappointed, I am heartbroken, I am frustrated, and I am just generally sad at the current wars, erosion of rights, and environmental issues. However, I vote for what I believe in and try to advocate for it where I can. I try to avoid getting trapped in social media bubbles and spend very little time on it (and mostly only here when I do; no facebook or anything here). I try to go outside and raise plants. I am buying a farm where I can grow food, plant more native species, and do a tiny bit to heal at least the land under my feet whilst reducing my carbon footprint. I try to volunteer where I can. I have hobbies that take my mind away from these issues.

    I can’t control other people. I can fight to convince them of something, but ultimately I cannot control them. Maybe the selfishness and contrarianism of some will destroy us all. If so, then I just know I did what I reasonably could to avoid it.