Except there is no evidence of a knife outside of the police story, bystanders say there was no knife and to my knowledge they still haven’t found a knife
Except there is no evidence of a knife outside of the police story, bystanders say there was no knife and to my knowledge they still haven’t found a knife
I assume that means she gets added to the sanctions list right?
Have you tried abusing stimulants
Well we know he’s gotten freaky with a dolphin so a cat seems plausible.
It’s true. Cable elves were hunted to extinction by cable goblins by the late 1980’s.
I expect they already got what they want, killing progressive enthusiasm and getting her to publicly back off wealth tax rates
A conservative not expressing curiosity is unfortunately the most plausible element of the story:( but fuck these cunts, hope they catch consequences
Don’t use shooter names :(
All the way through Decemberween
Who wrote this? Ill buy your book
Sadly I don’t have the original, sorry
Would you describe these clothes as more cookable, or creamy?
Do you use synthetic or wild-caught?
Sham poo for my real friends.
Do you intentionally take the most contrarian position possible for any given topic???
He’s finally cooked. Enjoy the long slow ride into irrelevance. Enjoy the fake friends fading away as the money tap dries up.
I, too, have the iterative compulsion, friend. The upside is the complete lack of writer’s block, right?