Reverse searching the background picture on the screen it looks like the river Alster. You’re probably some place in Hamburg, but its hard to narrow down further.
Reverse searching the background picture on the screen it looks like the river Alster. You’re probably some place in Hamburg, but its hard to narrow down further.
I have an instagram account to better fit in and none of my friends ever really post. Its mostly for messaging, sharing stuff we find, looking at stuff.
Rarely anyone seems to share every bit of what they do, if at all.
Source on the semi-aquatic part? Looking it up only brings up the aquatic ape hypothesis which is pseudoscience.
That was interesting but it didnt talk about the export ban. It was more like an overview of the Taiwanese economy and how the chip industry relates to it.
I’m pretty sure youre wrong to think people from the West on Lemmy support Israel. No one on here seems to 😅
literally this
Author-activist Cory Doctorow does a daily thread on Mastodon (on stuff like tech policy) but because each post doesn’t have much text the threads get long. He also posts it on his blog, but I think Brewchin finds the thread annoying. His account:
Its a reference to this meme template by the way:
Couldnt you just copy the list of instances or a similarly large instance federates with (its in the footer), or grab a the list of Lemmy instances from e.g to block?
I feel that would block most of the network, and doubt there would be much value left in joining whatever unconnected instances left.
The world will never know my pain…
On a positive note it wont be the same free expression from Facebook that gave us the Rohingya genocide :)
I dont think its classist since they dont suggest it as a precondition youve got to do before marrying, more a thing you can give a go like they prefaced with “if you can afford it”.
As I pointed out, “are the straights ok” has nothing to do with actual wellbeing. Its meant to express surprise the same way someone might reply to “I like pineapples on pizza” with “are you ok?”.
Theres nothing to take offence over. Im straight myself. I probably did a bad job at explaining what the phrase takes aim at. See /r/AreTheStraightsOK on Reddit for examples of what it means.
There can be unhealthy, weird “culture” around straight relationships and jokes about how your wife sucks is an example of it.
Asking “are the straights ok” is to express that you notice an example of that, obviously not an actual question about how were doing.
Thanks for sharing! I find what you have is really interesting.
Something I’m very curious about is how your wife is alright with the risk of them not choosing to be Christian and getting an eternity in hell? Is she a Christian universalist?
You might find the XDG base directory standard interesting also, solves the problem the meme is about.