Optical storage
so they’ve solved bitrot? nice
“Humans are just imperfect crabs.” - @pH3ra@CubitOom@lemmy.ml
Trying to be the best crab I can.
Optical storage
so they’ve solved bitrot? nice
part of me wonders if they think they can just ‘wait this whole Eeee-veee thing out’.
fucking idiots
because I’ve been into vr for about a decade and know no one who uses cloudXR. 120hz ain’t gonna happen over a college dorm network. 90hz on quest 2 would be very challenging.
wait, you realize, his requirement for streaming has NOTHING to do with cloud rendering right?
All things serve the beam.
in a dorm room?
realtime cloud VR rendering for use in a dorm room?
A lab, sure.
A dorm bedroom?
I forgot that was on the mix cd one day and blasted it, singing along, with my 5 year old in the car.
Yep. That… became awkward and the after effects…
still a banger.
that’s an incredibly tiny edge case.
yeah I don’t understand it either, but if he’s going to be a dick I’m happy to block and drive on with life
spin it however you like, this statement:
Like, are you imagining a modern US warship doesn’t have internet 24/7?
is not correct. gonna block you now, you’re a waste of time.
That article is about wifi for personal use…
do you think the starlink terminal in the OP article was for military use?? bwahahaha
Yeah man, you have zero idea what people are talking about about.
ok buddy, have a nice life.
Like, are you imagining a modern US warship doesn’t have internet 24/7?
last I checked, no, they don’t. they had shitty service while in port, and not much else.
fuck mate they only recently started giving their people access ON SHORE.
so no, I don’t think for the average sailor a US warship provides internet access 24/7
YUP. The vast majority of our law enforcement system derives from slave patrols.
they literally barricaded and fell back as far as they could.
watch the footage, so many times, cops put their hands on their sidearms, then fall back.
compare that to footage of occupy, of the atlanta cop city protests, any violent reactions on campuses etc., - is there a qualitative difference in them? maybe? but not enough to explain the disparity in violent, over-reaction.
imagine the bloodbath that would have occurred if the crowds had been black / latino etc. or fuck, even college kids…
somehow only one of them got shot… SOMEHOW.
you know that’s a funny word when you look at it - some… how?
like some, a quantity… how, a state or condition… doing a heavy lift that.
it just doesn’t seem to encompass the obvious and outright institutionalized racism displayed that day. angry white people smeared shit inside the capitol and only a single one was shot, and that was it.
oh 4 years later we’re finally getting around to sentencing some of the shit-smear crowd. they should have been rounded up that evening and lived the rest of their lives breaking rocks in leavenworth federal pen on whatever hard labor the government could devise.
leave with no alternative in sight.
?? spacex is gonna get them home, this is hyperbole.
now, if they, like me, despise musk, that part might sting, but I strongly doubt these professionals are overly concerned with that end. I’d prefer my managers ERRING ON THE SIDE OF SURVIVAL, and considering the noises the craft suddenly started making, yeah, prudent decision after all.
Boeing doesn’t like it, but… tsk, thrusters aren’t new technology, this shit shouldn’t have been a problem in the first place, and certainly never made it to ORBIT without being 99.999% reliable. Boeing fucked up. Boeing’s thruster contractor - Rocketdyne - has been in the business since the 50s. This should be locked down, proven tech. Yet somehow startup spacex that doesn’t have 50+ years in space is whipping the shit out of Boeing + Rocketdyne, EVEN THOUGH BOEING WAS PAID MORE THAN SPACEX, only for it to end in this shit show.
NASA errs on the side of caution and it’s the right decision.
They’re holding up amazingly well, I don’t envy the astronauts right now.
strongly suspect they’re coping well lol. You gotta understand that people fight for any chance into space, and an opportunity to turn a 2 day trip into 6+ months? yeah, it’ll require last moment changes to their lives but I imagine they’re happy as hell. They’ve been training for decades for this.
one that, if it’s already malfunctioning thrusters begin malfunctioning worse, could fuck the entire station… yeah. pucker factor 5/5 when it starts making wonky noises
yeah I have a disposal that will eat bones. never clogged the sink.
Was the og design for shitters or sinks?
Never had splash issues, I generally plunge pretty cautiously.
sink poop knife
TIL, thanks!