AI seems perfect for renewables load balancing. Got extra power to burn because it is windy at night? Train your models
I feel like phone on pile should at least be yellow
Like the last couple of months have been silently corrected upward?
Not a lawyer but that does look like a very acceptable URL doesn’t it? I mean has all the normal URL dots and slashes so I’d say accept
Telegram has been supplying US government with data on its users
That and a way to launder money into their campaign, easy to buy lots of copies of a worthless book
Also relevant:
Seems like a good use for android app pinning, I think that locks the phone to that app until unlocked
With systemd this would not be an issue , you just need to set up a timer for your service and some policy rules /s?
Spotify might as well be doing this themselves already to avoid having to pay all those annoying artist
what’s iffy is smaller AC generators like wind mills
Not so iffy for bigger wind turbines, these also have significant inertia due to the mass of the rotor spinning (with large mass moment) and grid codes demand active grid stabilisation in most countries.
Eehh objects in motion stay in motion? Does that apply to ghosts? So would the ghosts fly off in straight lines since no longer subjected to suns gravity ??
Welcome to danmark: 25% VAT , 150%? On cars
Will they donate in crypto or real money?
never voluntarily unlock it anywhere close to the border.
Isn’t that defined as 100 mile from the border (including international airports)
The harm is in the realisms , this matter when AI generated parn is shared with others.
How else would they get in your ear?