It. Wasn’t. Funny.
It. Wasn’t. Funny.
Obsidian is just sooooo good. I hate that you (technically 😉) have to pay for multi device sync, but the UI and UX are excellent, especially if you’re already proficient in markdown
Haven’t tried logseq before, so I can’t compare
So what exactly is wrong with making the voice mail say “I will never check this. Email me at person@company.tld if you want help”? If the requirement is bullshit, why shouldn’t people comply maliciously? As long as there’s some way to contact the dev (like through email), who gives a rats ass if the phone number doesn’t work? I don’t need to call Lawrence Dawson cause Sync is having issues. I can post on the sub or probably find an email somewhere. It’s not gonna be instant like a phone call, but it doesn’t need to be.
There’s an article on the front page right now about how a cop who raped his daughters was given custody and the mother imprisoned for refusing court mandated Christian reunification therapy.
Cops don’t have consequences
Yeah, I’ll take lysteria over buddig
I’d try putting in water first, holding it in, leaning your head back slightly, then putting in the pill and swallowing immediately
If that doesn’t work, you can try the food method that someone mentioned above
I’ve always had a very sensitive gag reflex, to the point it’s difficult to clean my tongue while brushing.
Never in my life had issues swallowing pills. Absolutely no idea how I got one without the other
And preferably outright ban it!
Hard disagree, I love assembling things (that have a little thought put into the process)!
Hell, now that I’ve finally got my 3D printer setup properly after hours and hours, I’ve barely used it!
This is still dumb as fuck from Peloton though
They actually retired last year
Easier solution: download Firefox. Install unlock origin
Rock and roll existed independently of Elvis. The Cult of Trump doesn’t exist without Trump. When he dies, they’ll all scramble for that power. They’re already fighting each other for a scrap of attention from daddy trump
I found a 10 pack of 10mm once. Bought it immediately thinking I’d never need another 10.
That was 5 years ago. I have 2 left…
Once you’re at this level, you’re looking to get improvements of a fraction of a percentage. I don’t know the specifics cause I’m not a pro shooter despite being American, but from other high level skill people I know, you hit a point where improvements basically plateau and you have to resort to increasingly niche products to obtain non skill improvements. If you want proof of that, check out calligraphy and fountain pen communities. The amount of money some people spend on things I didn’t know existed is wild.
(No bad judgement to those folks, I’ve gotten hard into map making and 3d printing lately, so I’m right behind you)
More of the “come and play with me in the sewers” kind lately
Bud, that isn’t what a straw man is. Like, at all.
And “objective computer analysis” can still be wrong and biased. Look at all the image classifiers that called black people monkeys cause they were trained almost exclusively on images of white people.
Angry little pigs that destroy anything they come across and kill whatever stands in their way, regardless of threat and is very difficult to get rid of?
Yeah, seems about right.
And take every penny out of the AG and police budgets. If that goes over budgets, then start taking it from pensions.
People that hold the power of life, death, and freedom over others should pay the full cost of their fuck ups
As your neighbor slightly to the north, you have my deepest sympathies. My aunt had to find temp housing up in Michigan cause it’s too hot, even with the AC on blast.
Funnily enough she’s staying with this gay couple that rented out their basement to her.
Her KKK husband must be running in his grave, cause they seem to be getting along great!
No one gives a shit about the CEO of telegram, your joke just wasn’t funny