Nothing makes you appreciate shakespeares writing like seeing someone try to imitate shakespeares writing.
Nothing makes you appreciate shakespeares writing like seeing someone try to imitate shakespeares writing.
Im gonna reccommend zenni too, but from canada. I got two pairs of really nice all metal frames with lenses and coatings, for less than $40 back before the pandemic. Before that i went through a pair of glasses every year or so, but i haven’t ever worn the second pair i bought yet because the first pair is still going strong 5 years later.
How would someone even know you’re ‘praying’ in public ynless youre making a spectacle about it? Thats what people dont want in the streets, large public demonstrations that seek to suck in and take advantage of vulnerable people. People know they can go to any of hundreds of churches or religious institutions if they want that sort of thing, but accosting strangers in public with your religion is not appropriate. You wanna sit on a park bench with yojr eyes closed and talk to god in your head, no one is going to stop you though.
You people are literally hopeless. Keep attacking your fellow people and never hold your politicians accountable. Thats working out great.
So was appealing to right wing voters and alienating huge portions of the populations. In fact the Democratic Party took a LOT more ‘actions’ to lose this election than the people who stayed home did. Put your anger where it belongs for fucks sake.
Thats literally what i said, if youre gonna order, order from ubereats or doordash where they can refuse to take orders, so if someone is working they must be really desperate and unable to go without the income. At least theyre making the choice for themselves. Dont order from a pizza place because although they might still have to work, they’ll at least be making a wage if theres no orders and just get to kick back. I personally barely order delivery anyway.
Well they’d be in just as bad a situation if no one ordered at all for a week. Theyre without income either way. I honestly think its better for doordash and ubereats drivers if people still order in poor weather. Pizza places on the other hand where the driver may at least be making some sort of flat rate, they may just prefer to sit there all shift with no orders.
I mean theres nothing that unsafe about the roads in the picture. Thats like regular for a lot of places and people don’t just stop living. I worked as a delivery driver and had to drive in way worse conditions, whats shown wouldnt even have registered as a hazard at all.
Oh yeah because theres totally not propaganda on any major US social media sites. You really think X or Meta’s algorithms are any better? Id argue theyre probably worse actually, so I get why a lot of people would be more comfortable with a chinese app.
I had a vm running in 2007 or 2008, but regardless she didnt even need windows for her classes. She just couldn’t figure out how to get her internet set up and could’ve just called verizon. Totally helpless and probably would have been thrown the first time she ran into a problem with windows as well.
Why couldnt she just install windows? Or use a virtual machine? How is her only option dropping out? It seems like she lacked even basic planning and problem solving skills and if it wasnt this that made her give up it would’ve been something else.
Yeah like so could deleting system32, and there were plenty of memes about that also.
What is facebook? Instagram? Google? Twitter? I dont use any of those if i can help it, nor TikTok. But supporting the ban of one of them while allowing the others free reign just because they’re owned in the US is insane. Their CEOs don’t have anyone’s best interests in mind except their own, as has been proven time and time again.
Its all one person. Literally 98% of the posts are one butthurt dude, who then goes on to complain that linux users are annoying because they make it their whole personality.
This is absolutely false. The top 1% in the US control 50 TRILLION dollars. More than enough to go around with plenty to spare for a rainy day.
Well done edgy humor always has its place. Its always sunny is plenty edgy, moreso than anything mainstream from any time prior, and extremely popular. The problem with people who make those comments is they could have NEVER made anything good, theyre uncreative and unthinking, and so they get locked into an outdated mentality and their humor never develops past whatever they found funny in their formative years. Because some things are edgy AND good they mistake being edgy for automatically being good.
I imagine most things would become a service barter situation. Like you make me a great meal and ill give you a massage. Or whatever. People would be pretty confined to a particular region if theyre returned there at the start of every reset, so you’d probably have a build up of a sort of reputation economy. Probably mass marketplaces would form up where people could trade ‘favors’. There’d probably be a new occupation that crops up where someone keeps track of credits and exchanges them, but any kind of physical currency would be useless. But if you wanted a service from a particular person who didnt want anything you could ogger, you’d need some sort of middleman to vouch for you or things could get complicated fast.
I mean people would just adjust to the new time patterns. In every time loop story, people try staying awake past the reset and usually it just resets regardless of whether they’re asleep or not. The exception i can think of being palm springs, where they only reset once they fall asleep or die. But if the reset happens at a constant time for everyone, everyone would just adapt. Day and night already barely matter now that we have electric lighting and instantaneous communication. ‘Days’ would just start at the reset, and either last until the next reset, or 8 hours before it happens, or whatever the equilibrium ends up being. Maybe sleep would stop being necessary for most people altogether, if their bodies’ clocks reset along with everything else. That could be kind of interesting.
Do you know of any good comprehensive followup to this? A quick search shows me lots of outdated info and inconclusive articles. Do you know if they conclusively found anything or if there is a good writeup on the whole situation?
This is just not true.