Unless you’ve had training, 100yds is a very long shot.
Unless you’ve had training, 100yds is a very long shot.
Well shit… now I feel old. I was almost 30 when that happened.
I hate Java with the white hot passion of a thousand suns. It is baked into so many admin tools for hardware (Dell, Cisco, etc) and trying to connect to older hardware that requires a security model that isn’t supported anymore or has expired certs that are never getting updated is a giant pain in the ass. Run anywhere my ass. I have to keep special VMs with just the right version of Java and all the necessary tweaks (like having to tell it that certain older encryption methods are ok) to even access some of these tools. I’ve even had to surplus hardware that was perfectly fine accept for the fact I could configure it because of some stupid Java thing. In short Fuck Java with a rusty wire brush.
I’m not bitter at all 🤣
Ease of grabbing content. There are so many tools that make it too easy and automated. I mean this has changed drastically in the last 10 years let alone 90s.
I was looking for Saddam Hussein in the tomatoes.
I am so glad I wasn’t drinking something when I read that.
Which is why I avoid group chats….
What bothers me more is the 465 unread texts… man are you some kinda douchebag?!?!
At this point, also old.
That’s very true
As a gen-x’er… fuck off 🤣
The hanging meme… got it. Thank you!
Well shit I’m glad you admitted your faux pas but you could have at least left it up… because now I’m totally confused.
I never thought about that. This is likely the reason.
X-Ray maybe I could understand, like some sort of TSA thing. But what fucking prison has their own CT scanner?!?! And why the fuck would they give a rats ass if she was pregnant?!? Or high? Hell I’d have to be on Xanax to even go inside in the first place.
I’d bet a large sum of money this is a private “for profit” prison. No government bean counter would ever approve of those kind of expenses.
Edit: Nope … California Dept. of Corrections. 🤯
I remember reading somewhere that pi to only 5 digits can calculate the circumference of the earth within an error of about 50cm. Hell NASA only uses like 15 places I think.
Wow… just wow… Thank you so much for sharing that. That was just amazing.
We have lost one of the absolute greats.
Well it would be obvious. Any decent network tool would be able to filter traffic on a port or type (ICMP, DNS, etc).
“Wonder why this kid has 2.5Gb of DNS traffic last week? That isn’t normal. Maybe we should go check it out”
The trick to staying hidden is to look like noise. And this would not be noise.
This is a very neat tool that I’ve bookmarked for further research. But I think you’re missing the point. He doesn’t need to hide network traffic, he needs a Wifi6 router. Now maybe you could setup a router to go through this service to further obfuscate the traffic but I don’t think this alone solves his purpose.
But I’m very glad you posted it because I love learning about little tricks like this to get around overly restrictive networks.
Omg!!! I needed that.