Desire rating: Meh.
He/Him (CIS Male) 🏳️🌈|🌍| ♻️
Desire rating: Meh.
Can’t it also later be argued that it’s uncertain and unclear what’s there or not, since that imbecile is running around yanking out wires of the government like a ketamine fueled chimp.
Casting doubt on the sanctity of the government’s records… I’d say that would go through courts for years.
The Death report for Kurt Cobain. Mostly from morbid curiosity and a love for Nirvana. I don’t do that for everyone or anything like that. That’s the weirdest one. 😅
Too bad there wasn’t some decentralized platform allowing people to share stuff like women’s health care information.
No but seriously. I wish we could somehow engage audiences like this more and put control in the hands of those people and not to Zuckerpunch.
Trump bilked the courts for years. Tying them up to great effect. Why don’t we do it back?
Rusty Trident 🔱? Don’t knock Aquaman.
Either due to spectrum or other, I can’t interpret this without questioning if it’s sarcasm 😆
This comment needs more upvotes inmho. This is exactly right. It’s how I followed this history myself. They built on Privacy first. Now there are red flags which were not clear before.
On the hacker news thread: https://news.ycombinator.com/item?id=42837181
They discuss the topic and there is only a single reply from ProtonPrivacy, saying it’s miscommunication and blah blah.
It was not enough to dispel my sense of unease and concern and a single comment isn’t exactly ‘fighting to set the record straight’.
My 2¢.
But. We still have the possibility of saying: NO. NO. I will NOT pay you for this service as is.
In Proton’s case, they said they are pro privacy. They built off that back.
Now, if the guy in charge of the ship is known to be fond of icebergs… time to find a new ship and a better captain.
It’s ANNOYING to move services. Agreed. It’s annoying to be having to fight so hard for basic privacy. Agreed.
If you don’t consider it and just comply: you’re potentially putting yourself at risk.
I’m going to do this with all mail domains and account with them.
I don’t care how publicly they state their neutrality, when push comes to shove, that nazi sympathizer is going to side with the enemy and all of us who thought we had a safe haven are at risk. I’d rather cut my losses.
I’m also annoyed with how they pile so much into the service that for some of us, they’re extras which aren’t needed. I just want to simplify my email into Tuta now I think, and Mullvad for VPN. While having those together was convenient, it’s no different on my phone or pc to use two different apps for those.
I will very clearly state why I’m taking my business elsewhere.
So…. It was a scam then
I mean. It’s different from most hotels I’ve ever seen. lol. I would be surprised that you guys legit didn’t notice…
Some days I put true effort into checking things deeper. Sometimes I’m more ‘cursory’ looking. Usually I try not to comment without looking to avoid this exact situation.
However. Foot meet mouth. Your post is great and I simply didn’t read it deeper before commenting. I apologize medhir.
Yeah I understand some basic need. Like. Feeds are updated. But not this ‘imma track everything you click or say or do’ then profile you and funnel trash to you.
I do get there is some nuance in there. I just knee-jerked thinking we are already moving back toward what we try to get away from.
I then misunderstood frankly. Thanks!
I just didn’t want to see these new things turning right back into Twitter or Insta etc.
Fuck Bluesky. Fuck algorithmic feeds.
I am proven wrong…
This article is actually quite great and worth the read. Ignore my ignorant first knee jerk comment, and learn from my mistake 🤡
True! Wait. This guys a COMMUNIST! Where my list…
If anyone working there wants to go ahead and cancel my student loans, please contact me. We can just blame it on hacks done during President Musk’s infiltration of the treasury.