Time to bend the knee, eh?
Time to bend the knee, eh?
Finally, someone gets it. If trademarking intellectual property was wrong, Disney wouldn’t have pioneered the field!
I’d say the term has since been appropriated, the same way that all facial tissues are mostly referred to as kleenex. If the proper Aryans wanted exclusive right to the name, they should have made more use of it
Thanks for the list! I’d be a dirty liar if I said none of the points applied to Canada, as I’ve experienced 3 of those personally. But not the entire list. Seems to me that the US is not a very good place to be non-Aryan. So why not move somewhere cooler?
Where is it harder to be hispanic or black? In Hispanola or Africa? Life isn’t equally oppressive across the entire world
Depends on where you was born, like maybe life is easier for blue people wherever the blue man was from
Im just saying the blue man needs to check his prejudices
“Better learn to use the command line, kid”
Haha, take that, white people!! You’ve got it so easy, apparantly!
Most people aren’t
Humans are animals
Go Team Venture!
Shouldn’t separation of church and state also separate the state from ideologies espoused by the church
So what does it include?
I’m sure they found 3 copies of the sims next to his manifesto
I’ve heard that almost all meth addicts have tried sugar first
I will take it
Fantastic game, had it for DOS
What a surprise
I’ve never heard of NXZT, were they like NCIX? What do they do?
You can’t lock me in your penthouse, I’m going back to my town!