Hopefully it stays that way. I’ve read horror stories about buildings hiring HOA management companies out of nowhere who take over and turn things shitty. 😔
Hopefully it stays that way. I’ve read horror stories about buildings hiring HOA management companies out of nowhere who take over and turn things shitty. 😔
Yeah and you’re gonna have to pretend to laugh at their jokes
Moving the goal posts 😥
Yeah American Cheese the product is some crazy shit. You should try some artisan cheese from Wisconsin, though. World class stuff over there. I had a 15 year cave aged cheddar from there once and I’m still thinking about it to this day.
No arguments from me. When can we start?
American here. Can we come too?
No offense to nebula (I’m rooting for them) but unless you exclusively watch news and educational content it basically has nothing to offer. I tried it for a year and I ended up barely using it because I don’t watch that type of content.
So many people shaming OP in here 😅
They never said they eat it all the time. Calm down everyone; let them enjoy themselves.
Is the UN pushing imperial or something?
It sounds like an American mocha is most similar to the mocaccino, since we mostly use a thick chocolate sauce for the chocolate, not cocoa powder.
Interesting, thanks for the info! What is moka coffee? Mocha here means a latte with chocolate basically. Sometimes with whipped cream instead of foam.
Some platforms offer better prices in exchange for a one-year subscription commitment, but tiered discounts based on subscriber loyalty are much less common.
It’s literally the opposite most of the time. The longer you stay the more expensive it becomes.
My point is that a non-coffee drinker is going to drink that and think it tastes like black coffee. Their experience of it will be what’s on the sign even if that’s inaccurate.
Also just an FYI, an americano is espresso shots in water, not coffee. Similar to what you’re describing, but a little smoother.
Oh got it. You got me very intrigued! 😄
Is an Italian latte really with cold milk?
I used to work in coffee in Seattle and around there a latte is also steamed milk. The difference between a latte and a cappuccino is the amount of foam to milk ratio.
Latte is mostly milk with a topping of foam. Cappuccino is half foam half milk (and some people like even more foam in their cappuccinos).
I think it’s easy to point how this is pretty off in some ways, but if you think of it as being aimed at someone with no coffee knowledge, I think it’s not a bad overview of how that person is likely to experience those types of drinks.
Mais bien sûr 😏
I never learned typing using any method, just years of practicing writing when I was younger. I think one of the biggest things that will increase your competence is to not look at the keyboard. Force your eyes away and just try to type. This will have more results if you’ve already gotten the basic key layout down at least a bit. You’ll make a lot of mistakes, and when you do try to not look, just move your finger to the next key over and try again. It’s a bit painful to do it this way, but it will make you much more comfortable over time.
Felt right.
This reminds of a guy who was doing road work on my street a while ago. Crusty-est redneck you can imagine with a cigarette in his mouth at all times. He was a damn artist with the heavy machinery, though. I remember him carefully smoothing and filling the road after digging and it was done with delicacy and attention to detail like you wouldn’t believe. My wife and I named him Dale.