I remember those car cigarette lighters. They stopped making them when they stopped putting ash trays in cars. I’d guess that it was 20 years ago. And the result is that those who still smoke throw their butts out the window.
Yeah but how to you lock the station into a specific button
I have to believe that if we found another inhabited planet, as we were landing we would see a cock and balls drawn on at least one part of that planet’s surface.
It’s not fake. Search it and full articles will come up
Thanks for the ideas. I would be willing to sacrifice the girl who baby sits my dog
You seem to think war which has been around since the beginning of time is the same thing as an individual violating civil law and murdering another individual. I find it fascinating reading posts and comments about this incident because it’s as if those who condemn murder are in some way fans of the guy that got murdered. I don’t know anything about him as an individual, but I think it is obscene for the head people of any company to get paid such a huge amount in comparison to the other employees. And in general I think health insurance companies suck. I’m saying that from personal experience. And, I don’t know, but the guy who got murdered may have put into effect policies that fucked many people who deserved insurance benefits and were denied. So was he a bad guy? Probably. But it doesn’t mean murdering him is justified or should be endorsed.
The problem with supporting breaking a law is that eventually someone that you like or admire, but who is hated by a large portion of the country is murdered like this guy. Then all of a sudden it’s a problem. You can’t have it both ways
Vigilante justice is so cool right up to the point that it is used against the people that you admire. And that is the contradiction.
Using other words to describe murder doesn’t make it different.
Radical but not logical. Make a post about a violent criminal who murders someone. And then poll the community if that criminal should get the death penalty. And I’ll bet the majority would say no and be against the death penalty for all convicted criminals. But those same people have no problem cheering on the murder of someone that they don’t like. If a person can live with this contradiction I’d guess that they just aren’t thinking for themselves but following a crowd.
The movie was “Full Metal Jacket”
Funny how even though I have had many fights with health insurance companies I never wished for the death of another human being. But those who think that they are virtuous have no problem celebrating this guy being killed calling it karma. And this comment will be totally downvoted because how dare someone point out their hypocrisy.
A cyber truck that won’t leave you stranded because you can’t find a charging station
Are there still people that use an accent of the country that they are in but using English words expecting the native person to understand them?
LOL. Bet few got the reference
Since most guys don’t invest lots of time staring at other guy’s eject cocks, who’s to know. Why not allow your boyfriend to be thrilled thinking that he has an above average sized penis?
It’s impossible for bugs to just happen to create something that looks like that
I would think that neither cigarettes or vaping is good for you but I don’t really understand which is supposedly worse and why. I just remember the outrage over vaping because it was primarily marketed to young people
Exactly. This is a big deal in Florida. Everything possible is done to protect them. They are gentle giants