Like what, building your own ultra fast kamakaze drone and going after a terrorist?
Like what, building your own ultra fast kamakaze drone and going after a terrorist?
I’d prefer Luigi.
Then they must have tried your password and saved it to one of a specific number of places. Infostealers are by definition a class of malware, which means it’s got to be installed somewhere with access to the directory storing the credential.
Or it was from an old computer, or mislabeled.
Here’s a good talk on infostealers for anyone curious.
For stealerlogs yes, it means malware was on your system, and exfiltrated data, typically from your browsers.
Playing cataclysm DDA in a zombie apocalypse.
Informal inspections are currently a thing.
Torvalds has had anger management issues in the past. Not saying I don’t understand with the shit he deals with.
I’m going to die anyways from the poison they’re putting into the air and water.
Death is only a decent threat for so long.
Isp for firewalls might not be better than you. Get something dedicated.
Ubiquiti or pfsense is a good start.
Then when push comes to shove, I will not consider their safety.
Bet he’s gonna get ketchup on it.
Run against him.
Id tell JD to gargle my balls if he wasn’t so desperate for some attention.
Ubuntu is the Microsoft of Linux.
Don’t give them more ideas.
Can this be used as a legal defense similar to gay panic?
Asking for a friend.
Typically if you’re gonna deploy a bunch of bots on lemmy, it’s easiest to do via your own instance, which is fairly easy to filter out.
Luckily the federated aspect will help with this a little bit.