From my understanding, in Brazil, you just ask your local dealer if he knows someone and he’ll put you in touch
Just your typical internet guy with questionable humor
From my understanding, in Brazil, you just ask your local dealer if he knows someone and he’ll put you in touch
Don’t mix my apostate ass with those heretics
I REFUSE to believe gahd has put me on par with Karen by leaving both of us on Earth! I demand to talk to his manager!
Ride the Frigging Mmmrobot
What really annoys me is the endless stream of scam, “earn money fast with 1 simple trick” ads
It’s literally a scam every single time and trying to report those fall into deaf ears (or blind algorithms) because hey, they’re paying to be shown, why should any high ranking executive care? “Oh, I can’t be held responsible, sorry!”
What do you do with your genitals in that one? Block? Punch?
Your kid is not old enough to get and groan at your dad jokes. That or he’s smart and just pretended to not get it, so you’d be left without a proper reaction
Man, and I was thinking about how the moon landing was closer to the moon than us. Stuff just blows my mind
Crypto whatever (coin, token, nft)
Social media
Internet as a whole (you can always dig a hole further down)
“You are not a worker, you are an entrepreneurial partner!” Type of corporate bullshit
Electric vehicles (mostly due to faulty batteries, but also because they don’t fix the problem of shitty car focused city design)
That’s why kids should learn Pascal first!
Juanito Greco, el destruidor de tabelas
Something about a dog biting back after being kicked around enough
Even wasm relies on javascript and frankly, I see its existence as a failure of many layers. Machine code -> Operating system -> Browser -> WASM (emulated machine code)
Kurumin Linux, which was a Brazilian distro based on Knoppix. This was back in 2006 or so, and that was my first hands-on experience with Linux.
I don’t fully remember whether everything worked out of the box, I think it connected to the internet no problem (cable), but what amazed me was:
1 - It ran off the CD drive without needing to install anything 2 - It had loads of preinstalled utility software 3 - Less than 700MB
A safe exit from Gaza. They just didn’t mention it’ll be one straight to a grave.
The next step after programmer socks
Gimme a fucking keyboard instead of extra screen size
20-ish, rather. You can still find some legacy systems running some version of VisualBasic on Windows.
Also disagree with op, javascript is the current “lingua franca” of programming. Unless every browser decides to allow scripting in a less shotgun-your-foot language, javascript will remain widely used.
He doesn’t afraid of anything!
And then you have Capcom, who put fucking denuvo years AFTER a game’s release