a script that only works on your machine
That’s why docker exists :D
Just your typical internet guy with questionable humor
a script that only works on your machine
That’s why docker exists :D
I miss the times when I found 5" phones big. Now they just seem small because everything else is pushing 7"
Status symbol, aka “I need to differentiate myself from those lowly serfs, lest they think themselves as equal to me!”
The majority of Square’s games from the era are some of the best they’ve ever put out, like Chrono Cross, Parasite Eve (1 and 2) and Threads of Fate (aka Dewprism), so they’re always good choices.
Mega Man X4 is also one of the best of the X series. X5 is still good, avoid X6, it’s very clear how rushed the game is once you start playing.
I’d put Jackie Chan Stuntmaster in place 25 of Die Hard Trilogy and Soul Reaver on 16 in place of Gex, though every in game cutscene of Soul Reaver is unskippable, but the voice acting is pretty much the very best of the console and holds up well even today.
Silent Bomber decidedly deserves a playthru, as does C12 Final Resistance
PS: really hard to read the “mentioned once” list, it’s all a single line without commas or anything
And it was just an asshole form factor, a micro SD - memory stick adapter worked wonders on my psp
Did plenty of those back in college. Java server stuff to run with Tomcat
slaps roof
This bad girl can fit so many seamen!
My dummy understanding is that each instance could be considered a “client”, in the sense that they’re always on the lookout for data from other instances whenever the latter generates new content. Either that or, when one connected user checks what’s on a different instance, it downloads to the local cache, ie: if I, from programming.dev, am the first to check this thread, a copy gets saved locally (cache) in the programming.dev server, which might check back on the original source in the case of any edits.
They’re the same, no?
We need to get off the internet. Or at least off lemmy. Probably better to get off the internet more often, otherwise we’ll just find something else :/
People not caring about their privacy and their data being collected and sold to everyone. “Eh, it’s not like my data is worth anything”. If it wasn’t, it wouldn’t be sold, moron. All those spam and scam calls you receive? Yeah, that’s because your “worthless” data is being sold, resold and spread out everywhere. But hey, if you fall for a scam and lose, dunno, 50k dollars, it’s not a big deal, huh?
Were there any comments on lack of repairability or the obtuse insistence on removing physical keys?
Call them murican. Everyone gets it, even the usa-ians
Thing is, it’s “United States of America”, much like “United States of Mexico” and, before 1968, “United States of Brazil”. So when they call themselves americans, they’re technically correct.
The closest you can get is a malamute, assuming the wolf in question is like a grey wolf
Gorillas are intelligent enough to learn sign language, so if you could teach a group, nature, uh, nature would find a way
I always thought of them as necky camels more than horses
To me, it was Raptor Call of Shadows, a very nice shmup where you could buy new weapons between missions