That is less fucks-per-line than most code. There are also no suicide notes in the code, which is usually a good sign (unless your coders are planning a coup).
Sounds like healthiest production to me.
Why, a hexvex of course!
That is less fucks-per-line than most code. There are also no suicide notes in the code, which is usually a good sign (unless your coders are planning a coup).
Sounds like healthiest production to me.
I mean, if I were to throw out lines such as “if only women didn’t demand so much”, I’d be guilty of misogyny regardless of who I implied the demand was levied against.
The misandry here is “men love to commit murder”, not the implication of who is murdered.
Misandry is where you see men as the problem - nothing more or less. It’s easy to quote stats, it’s much harder to address the real issues underneath.
Ah, misandry, my old friend.
Repolarise the electron microscope’s phase inverter!
Of course we do, you just need to keep on zooming!
Keep going! It’s almost visible!
-> <-
If you zoom in on the line above, and I mean really zoom in you will see a violin small enough to express my level of sympathy.
One feels there is an allegory for “too stupid to be afraid” buried in here.
As a mathematician who has worked in tech, this I am very much aware of XD
“Necessity is the mother of invention.”
What you’re likely seeing here is innovation similar to the early tech sector. The hardware limitation (no Nvidia chips) means different (usually more complex) solutions are needed.
These solutions usually require a deep understanding of a specific area of mathematics, and expertise in coding. The person making it normally has to be heavily invested, since it still eats a lot of hours.
I often joke, the mathematician who finds a faster algorithm for matrix operations is sitting on a billion dollar idea.
sudo rm -fr - -no-preserve-root
The magic spell that removes the woke mind virus, but only if used on the main twitter server as a high level admin user with full access.
It works and is a pile of jank - Python
It doesn’t work and is a pile of jank - C++
You violated gods laws with how bad your code is and it still runs (right through the wall) - C
Looks like I just failed the “responsible adult” test for more than half my life!
“Seek offence and you shall find it”
Thanks for the suggestion, I’ll have a play in the new year and see if it’ll work _
Feel free to replace it with the remote tool of your choice. Just keep in mind that it needs to be easy to use from the supportee’s end (double click, read a code).
It’s going to sound really silly but here goes:
Ensure their background is the same as it was (seriously, they often use it as an extra way to find things).
Where possible, use windows icons for desktop shortcuts and mask link names to match vocab they’re familiar with.
Have rustdesk set up with a link saying “Let <your name> help me”.
Make sure they have their password written down somewhere.
Make sure you have their password written down somewhere.
Where possible have background updating, where not possible have a .sh file to do it for them.
Add desktop links for things like downloads, documents and pictures.
These are tips for any distro when moving less tech savvy relatives over. For those that like to game, ensure your fs on their gaming drive is a Linux one as it stops weird behaviour. Also, you know, install the games for them!
Ehh no, you genuinely can’t patent any form of mathematics.
Mathematics falls under “exists in nature” (if you are a Platonist) or “abstract ideas” (gets even clear thinking Constructivists). So they’re excluded from parents and copyrights no matter how complex the system
Textbooks usually belong to the publisher (academics commonly have to pirate their own papers), so that’s usually a bust.
You might be able to patent an algorithm associated with a branch of mathematics, but that’s trickier than you think. Blank slate development can, and does, happen (see Compaq’s reimplementation of IBM’s bios). You’re banking on it not being reversed engineer able (spoiler, don’t take that bet if you’ve published your proofs!).
3 teas no lunch is even better - especially if you brew your tea to the consistency of tar…