Kid Rock makes music for people who don’t pay their child support
This was hung over my bed when I was five years old.
I’m in a mixed marriage too.
I know, right! All the illegal tranny immigrants sneaking into women’s restrooms and stealing our American eggs and replacing them with fentanyl and liberal lies and then claiming it’s part of their DEI job description, which, btw, was funded by a fraudulent USAid grant for a left-handed dyslexic lesbian Canadian Eskimo interpretive dance performance art piece featuring the stomping on of unborn babies ripped from their mother’s womb immediately after birth!!! Why do they hate us for our freedom?!?!
I don’t know if this is true but I’ve heard that elections have consequences. Probably just some more woke shit though.
It’s a Trapper Keeper!
Have a bachelor’s in Radio/Television/Film. Worked as a Reports Analyst for over a decade writing SQL code to pull data from databases to create reports in spreadsheets. Now for the last sixteen years I’ve been a hairdresser.
I quit Reddit and deleted my account after nearly a decade last week. I just found it to be a source of consistent stress. It got to the point where the most innocuous comments kept getting me temporarily banned from subreddits. The final coffin nail was when somebody posted an article about how the Trump administration scrubbed all the information on HIV/AIDS from government health websites. I replied in the comments, “Double plus good.” Apparently Redditors thought that I was endorsing this censorship as a good idea and downvoted me. So to clarify, I edited my comment and said underneath, “For those downvoting me, read the novel 1984 by George Orwell.” That’s all. I didn’t say, “You fucking idiots need to read a goddamn book!” I simply cited the reference for my original comment. For this statement I got a three day ban not just from the subreddit but all of Reddit due to harassment. The ban was automatically imposed by the bots, so I had an opportunity to appeal and have a real person review it. I did so, fully expecting anybody who actually looked into it to be reasonable, but they kept the ban in place, so I decided enough was enough.
There are more stars in the visible universe than there are grains of sand on all the beaches in the world.
Then they should quit proposing and passing laws that affect and inhibit individual choice regarding sexuality, gender identity, and reproductive freedoms.