If I were you, I would probably try to automate this by building my own macro/s using MacroDroid.
If I were you, I would probably try to automate this by building my own macro/s using MacroDroid.
Make a script using AutoHotkey (ask for help in !ahk@programming.dev) that goes through the list in a Windows desktop browser and remotely installs the apps to the device one by one. That’s how I’d do it, anyway.
That’s not what I meant:
*laughs in Google Voice*
I’m screwed…
That’s it. That’s all your post needed to include. Literally everything else is unnecessary. Your history with your ex is irrelevant to this critical factor.
This is the only piece of information that matters, and it screams, “Hell, no.” This man shouldn’t exist in your romantic space.
Fight the loneliness by working hard over a year to build platonic friendships with groups of people. And then you’ll be able to reenter the arena of romance with a level head, unclouded. Don’t let loneliness cave your standards down. That almost never leads to anything lasting and satisfactory. I’m sorry for the pain you’re going through but the guy you say you’re considering will only severely worsen things, based on your descriptions.