Let’s not get ahead of ourselves.
Let’s not get ahead of ourselves.
I recently got to experience this glorious moment, and I feel this is the appropriate post to share it in.
You damn well know someone out there has drawn Vance absolutely raw dogging a leather couch and there’s nothing you can do about it.
Jet Force Gemini was my top go to game quickly followed by Conkers Bad Fur Day. Cruisi’n USA deserves an honorable mention as well!
Where I work, I get 5 days worth of PTO which can be used for either sick time or vacation time. It takes (8) 40 hour weeks to generate 1 new PTO day. We’re not allowed to take unpaid time off, you’re required to use your PTO. If you do not have any PTO left, you go up to 40 hours negative. You are then required to work 40 weeks to break out of the negative. If you decide to quit or are fired while in the negative, that hourly difference is deducted from your last paycheck.
It didn’t used to be this way. The family owned company I work for was bought out by a 500 million dollar corporation.
Shits fucked yo.
Born in 89 and I played the shit out of Altered Beast as a kid.
I’m a simple man. I see Altered Beast, I upvote.
63000 saved?? Yeah sure. Just checked my bank account and I got a whopping $27 in the savings account.
Sometimes you need the right outfit when you want to make a power move.
From the looks of that close up shot, it appears the copy is printed directly onto the case. Most inks do not like an alcohol based solvent. Sometimes even something as week as windex is enough to start removing ink. I’d give it a try in a small area to see how it affects the TPE and if all else fails, slap a sticker over it!
I still use that line at least every other month.
Ahh you see, in America corporations do count as people!
Seriously though, as someone who has been personally affected by a US mass shooting, the ban can’t come fast enough but I know it’ll never happen without a massive overhaul of our political system which I don’t see happening anytime soon…
If the chicken breast was boiled, I believe it could get whiter.
I understand your frustrations. The company I work for was recently acquired and with that came a new health insurance policy. We went from a REALLY good insurance plan to UHC for health insurance and optum rx for prescriptions. It’s utter dog shit. Everything is exceptionally more expensive. Just last week I opted to pay the cash price for my prescription because the insurance covered price INCREASED the bill by $50.
Landlords thought process: Since 2 months was typically 60-61 days and that range is higher, we’ll have to charge 3 payments for each monthly payment!
Man this pisses me off to no extent. I put in a lot of effort into my work. Craft very detailed emails with everything spelled out, clear as day. Only to find out time and time again no one is reading my emails because they’re too long, yet they have questions about certain aspects of the project… THAT WERE ANSWERED IN MY EMAIL.
Do… Do you not wash your butthole?
I’m using connect for lemmy temporarily until LJ is able to work his magic. It has a similar sync vibe so far.
It’s just the sauce that’s different and it’s not that good. You’re paying more for a worse off burger.