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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 13th, 2023


  • Unicorn Overlord, the tactical JRPG. I love how much depth there is to team building, there are so many classes, skills and synergies to plan with. After everything is maxed, you can build 10 squats of 6 units each.

    However, about halfway through the game, I’m starting to feel burned out a bit. My squats are mostly done, further upgrades are rather expensive and there is little need to swap units if the old ones win every battle. Without the constant planning, the core gameplay gets a bit stale. But nothing a break won’t fix, I’d assume.

  • Doesn’t work, since they are fulfilled sequentially.

    Do the opposite of my next wish. -> Fulfilled, he is set to do the opposite next.

    Don’t fulfill my 3rd wish. -> Fulfilled, the wish does effectively nothing and he’s got one left that will be fulfilled. All instructions from the first wish are done with and discarded.

    Ignore my first wish. -> Fulfilled, there is nothing left to be ignored about his first wish anymore since it’s already done. The wish does nothing and he successfully wasted all 3 by trying to be a smart ass.

  • I didn’t play any Zelda title on the GBA, but those could work due to their puzzle focus. However, even fully combat oriented games couldn’t really do much more than Zelda did in terms of their combat system, which ended up being quite dull.

    I kind of liked the Legacy of Goku series, just because I like Dragon Ball and because level ups made a huge difference. The battle system wasn’t anything special, but it was satisfying to just grind a bit and afterwards demolishing anything in your path - just repeat this in any given new area.