Sideline interviews.
Sideline interviews.
Good grief that link is a long list of gatekeeping BS for frikkin’ hotdogs. I hate ketchup on a hotdog, but it doesn’t bother me if someone else likes it. Why try to boss the world? Let people enjoy things.
The Brother PocketJet series of printers might have a model you like. I have never used one of the PJ printers, but I’ve had good experiences with other Brother printers.
Everything has to be shorter, because gnat-like attention spans.
“If Books Could Kill” vibes.
Yeah, it was weird. Most restaurants had a non-smoking section because allowing people to smoke everywhere was the norm. Leaded gasoline. Little kids playing with real fireworks. The 70s and 80s were a wild ride of irresponsibility.
It wasn’t all bad, though. It was cool being a kid at times. Playing outside almost every day until dinner time with the other kids in the neighborhood.
My music “career”.
You’re a bold one. Lemmy hates videos and AI both.
You might enjoy the Esoterica channel on YouTube.
Used CDs (or local library). Ripping software. Super easy. Or just buy from Amazon and download your files to local.
Many of my friends use it. I’m old school and just keep a collection of mp3s on multiple devices for backup.
I know it’s been a while, but I’m still getting used to the curly hair. Looks much better than the stupid Caesar thing he was going with before. But he still looks like a synth.