My entire body is made of meat!

I enjoy:


Open Source



The letter B


Psychedelic drugs and exploring reality

Former pothead (I have a genetic disorder!)

Videogames and such. Team Fortress 2 Scout/Engy/Demo/Pyro. Catch me on 24/7 2ort! ~T0kin.

  • 4 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 12th, 2023


  •*Permanently Deleted*
    1 year ago

    I had a 15 year marriage that ended rough, and I’ve spent the last three years of it and the last year out of it, basically suicidal. I’ve gone on a date or two, and realized I can’t be happy with anyone until I’m happy. I try more every day, but it’s hard to shake off the idea that the love of your life already came and went, and everything from here on out is just like, some old piece of machinery trying to stay relevant in a world that doesn’t need or want it anymore. Online dating also feels more like a ripoff than something actually meant to work and I’ve decided if I ever do date, it will just be inside my current friend circle, and since there’s no one there… hm, yep.

  • I used some Ubuntu derivative for recording shitty music me and my buddy made in a trailer. OSS off of a turtle beach soundcard with a hacked together driver, crammed into a shitty Windows Vista era desktop.

    I felt like some sort of junk wizard.

    I use arch these days, Garuda mainly. I’ve done the whole song and dance from Arch to Gentoo. I know the system, now I want to relax and let something I suck at, giving myself features be more in the hands of a catering staff of folks and the Garuda boys know how to pamper.

    The dragons kinda… yeah, the art’s kinda cringe but damn, this is the definition of fully featured.