The ‘do you mind’ question a great example of why many neurodivergent people have such a hard time in social settings, keeping track of all of the contradictory social expectations that don’t make sense is tiring and not everyone is consistent.
Yes! Thank you very much. It’s at least a triple-effect because (1) we get confused about what the response means so we have to focus on solving the riddle, (2) solving the riddle consumes more mental energy so we have less in reserve, and (3) we miss out on everything that occured while we were figuring out the riddle so we have to catch up when we already run slower.
That’s an interesting one with the jury. They were deadlocked but still insisted on deliberating for 20 hours. I wonder if it was like the movie 12 Angry Men, but instead of one juror advocating for the innocence of the defendant, they argued for their guilt.