Not at all. I never wanted to see AI and it kept turning itself back on this was just the final push for me to uninstall it.
Not at all. I never wanted to see AI and it kept turning itself back on this was just the final push for me to uninstall it.
I have been using Brave for the last year and I did like it as a mobile browser. But today I noticed that when I was searching about abortion and etopic pregnancy (fact checking a really dumb article) that all of a sudden their AI crap was throwing “no results available” errors. I checked some other left leaning topics and sure enough it no longer gives you AI results. So I immediately uninstalled that shit from my phone because fuck them.
I’m one of those people that’s switched skill sets and jobs multiple times. It’s great for me because I love learning new things and using the new things I’m learning as it applies to the current job I’m doing. But there is a disadvantage to this in that recruiters don’t know what the hell to do with you and bosses are always suspicious that you will jump ship at the drop of a hat. The ones who do take a chance and hire me have always been happy with my work though.
Yea I’m still trying to figure out how a fire truck can physically get around rail road arms. Like at that point why not just drive through them. They break pretty easily and would have been less expensive than destroying a whole fire truck.
Damn that zoo is right up the street from me. I haven’t been in a few years so I had no idea they had pygmy hippos. They do have an emu herd that you can hand feed and a large aviary which is always awesome.
You know I’ve said “dude” all my life and I still use it all the time in regards to everyone. If I saw that someone was genuinely offended at being called dude I wouldn’t use it again with that person, but now that I really think about it I don’t think I’ve ever heard the term in a derogatory way. Like ever. For me it’s always been a happy/inclusive word for addressing friends. My only worry for now is that saying it shows my age.
This is fascinating and badass. Now I want a crazy neon pink gemstone.
Oh I absolutely agree. Gabapentin being one of those “scheduled” and monitored drug about broke me in the lab. Like no one is purposely getting high off of that shit. The Sacklers ruined pain management for everyone and I hope they all burn in hell.
Here we go again more stories about hospitals and CPS services using faulty and/or cheap means of testing to “comply” with regulations at the expense of patient. Why am I not at all surprised. I used to do this testing and when the process is done correctly it works. Here’s how it’s supposed to be done. First off you get a urine from Mom on admissions BEFORE giving any medication. Then you get the meconium and urine from baby after birth. You screen all three and confirm any positive screen with a more stringent confirmation test. Then you compare the three results to get a full picture of any drug usage that may be going on. Mom’s urine will tell you if she’s using within the last 3-5 days depending on the drug with the exception of THC which can stick around longer. Meconium gives you a window of drug use that might have occurred from the second trimester and on. It’s not great to test it on its own because it’s suspectable to faulty specimen collection. (I can’t tell you how many times I got a cup of baby shit instead of real meconium. Real meconium looks like plastic, has the consistency of a mallomar, and usually has a mucus plug attached.)Then you test the baby’s first urine output to determine if they have active drug in their system now. Use all three results together to interpret the big picture. At NO point do you ever give providers the screen results before confirmation. Hospitals and legal entities should be sued into oblivion for prosecuting innocent people over bad procedure and screening results. This shit irritates me to no end.
My dad gave me his old Panasonic TV that he bought back in '08 with the Bush stimulus money. That big fucker is a bitch to move and puts out an ungodly amount of heat, but it’s still going strong and I refuse to get rid of it.
My husband recently found this gem of a cooking channel that we both love. Chef Jean Pierre He’s hilarious and the food looks amazing.
"The reasoning for bringing in AI tools to monitor patients is always that it will make life easier for us, but in my experience, technology in healthcare rarely makes things better. It usually just speeds up the factory floor, squeezing more out of us, so they can ultimately hire fewer of us. " - yup and there’s not much we can do about it without harming a lot of people.
Same boat my friend. Never ever had a xitter account but I made a Bluesky account last week to check things out. My husband deleted his Twitter account quite a while back and has been sorely missing seeing people he followed. I tried getting him here but he really doesn’t understand the whole set up. So I’m trying to convince him to join Bluesky. I have no idea what I’m doing over there but the folks there are much like we were here in the beginning in that everyone is helping each other learn. I do think that the platform will serve as a good bridge to get people learning about Federated platforms. We all have to start somewhere.
I just want to say that baby’s turkey costume is using dish gloves for the “feet” and it’s so derpy that I love it.
Just adding this article here from the ACOG about how tenuous the definition of viability is and how few babies actually make it when delivered in the 20-25 week mark. We love to focus on those miracle babies who do make it this early but it is definitely not the norm.
This is fucking barbaric. The hospital let her sit for 40 hours with a fetus hanging out of her uterus. Just take a moment to imagine what that alone must have felt like aside from the emotional horror of losing a pregnancy. We wouldn’t even imagine treating pets or livestock this way but it’s clear that these repugnant forced-birthers don’t consider women to be people. One little pill to speed up the labor that her body already decided was needed was all that was required to keep this woman alive. What’s the point of even having healthcare when we can’t rely on it.
Is this one new fad I don’t know about because I have a neighbor who’s done this exact same thing?
This is straight up medical negligence. You seriously mean to tell me at no point did any of these doctors just order up simple lab work to confirm that there was nothing wrong while placating the mother? Every hospital I’ve ever worked in has an unwritten policy that if you come into the ER you’re getting basic blood work and a urinalysis if only to prevent malpractice suits. I truly believe that COVID irreparably broke the already disfunctional for-profit healthcare system here in the US and with every story like this I lose hope that it will ever be fixed.
The minute checks stop going out is the moment shit gets real. This will impact everyone. Yes the people directly getting checks will be in dire trouble. But I don’t think most folks understand just how much our economy relies on this system. Business will take a hit, more people will end up having to support aging parents even more than they do already, and every working American is going to immediately question why they’ve now lost money to this system. Billionaires can fuck around with money because it’s not really or tangible for them, but normal folks… Yea you just don’t fuck with people’s money.