Totally not wasting my time reading this. Hope you’re glad you spent so much time writing something noone will read.
Totally not wasting my time reading this. Hope you’re glad you spent so much time writing something noone will read.
Thanks for the only rational reply lol. All the love to the other two replies but one of those starts out, “America isn’t a country it’s a continent.” ??? While the other comment is telling me the 715 municipalities in Germany dwarf the 50 locations in the US. Lol. Cheers for following the conversation rationally 🍻
No shit. Yeah you’re prolly right then.
Lol homie, where are you getting 715 cities in Germany from? According to Wikipedia, Germany has 11 cities.
Berlin/Brandenburg Metropolitan Region
Central German Metropolitan Region
Frankfurt/Rhine-Main Metropolitan Region
Hamburg Metropolitan Region
Hannover-Braunschweig-Göttingen-Wolfsburg Metropolitan Region
Munich Metropolitan Region
Northwest Metropolitan Region
Nuremberg Metropolitan Region
Rhine-Neckar Metropolitan Region
Rhine-Ruhr Metropolitan Region (also covers the Cologne Bonn Region)
Stuttgart Metropolitan Region
Is this a translation thing where you are calling every municipality a “city?” If that’s the case then the comparison would be 715 towns/villages/cities for Germany vs approximately 30,000 towns/villages/cities in the USA.
The organized protests are only happening in each state’s capital. Which is one city per state that someone a long time ago in a galaxy far far away decided would be called that State’s Capital City.
Yeah but you really can’t dox people even if it seems like the moral thing to do. It wasn’t any decision made outside the company, it was made by reddit because it was walking a fine line with their policies.
I’m going entirely off theory but there is a likely chance the people who got hired to be a minion had no idea the parameters of the job. I’ve gone thru the government job listings and they will tell you only so much about the position. What is required to qualify for the job, what tasks will be done in the job but beyond that, they aren’t going to tell you what the grand scheme of the position is. So to me, if any of that is true, then they are trying to post the identities of people who may be appalled by what their job is but don’t have the means to step down without having other income already lined up.
I’m not saying anything about what musk is doing is right. I’m just saying, there should be action taken to prevent the identities of people being posted on the internet for all to see.
Dont forget, reddit has literally falsely identifyied an innocent man who committed suicide as being the Boston bomber. Creating an absolute hell for the grieving family who thought their son was missing only to find out he committed suicide before the boston bombing happened. They only found out from the reddit manhunt to dox an innocent person.
In life? Amphetamines.
Its crazy to think if I weren’t a US citizen and was reading this, I’d think “man that’s 50 individual locations for everyone to be able to participate if they want.”
When the reality is, if I wanted to attend my New York Stare protest in Albany, id be looking at a 5-6ish one way trip, 10-12hrs round trip just driving. I’m totally guessing tho. Ive never gone from my house to Albany before. Only ever went there from either the adks or NYC coming back to Buffalo with other stops on the way home. I’ve always used 7 1/2hrs as the time it takes to get to NYC so that’s where I’m getting 5-6hrs Buffalo to Albany.
Tldr: Yo, America’s big as fuck.
I dont get it. What’s so infuriating about the words, “Beatles Cinematic Universe?”
This take is dumb af lol. NO MORE PROPIETARY SOFTWARE WITH THE WORD OPEN IN IT! Thanks for the laugh.
I don’t get what ypur complaint is? At least it is talking about an event that hasn’t happened yet correctly, but what else would you want from it for you to say, “DDG’s AI Assist seems to answer correctly.”
If you are close enough to it for the name to have any relevant reference, you’re just guna say Gulf anyway.
I would add, learn to format comments so they don’t print as blocks of barely readable text and don’t use line seperators like dashes if your text has dashes in it because it makes it harder to read when it prints out as a block of text.
And sports. Sports alone is enough to drive Twitter.
Isn’t this article obsolete since the Biden Admin said they weren’t going to intervene because it’s too close to the change of administration and that this is going to fall on the incoming administration to handle the TikTok sitch? I’ll try and find the article I read to edit this comment with the source.
Lol missed it skimming 4 short paragraphs?🤣 The Cat in the Hat has more fuckin words than this article so don’t be a douche and just say you didn’t even open the article.
“It’s a good thing having it in the thread, so thanks for doing the work.” douchiest comment of the year so far!🥇🏆🏅
Right?! I get the whole fuck Elon circle jerk. Dudes an idiot. But with that being said, I am still fascinated by starlink, spaceX, neuralink and Tesla. I dont have a lick of social media beyond this lemmy account (and obviously my definatelynotporn@lemmynsfw.com account or whatever the user tag is), I also do not have cable to be exposed to cable news or main stream media takes. So my fascination is entirely driven by these types of articles that make a mention of musk but the focus is on the advancements being made and while Elon will be in history books for each of these leaps in technology, I still remain fascinated because the advancements are being made by very qualified, very intelligent individuals. As well as the impact these projects have on our everyday life.
If all you are looking to do is free up ssd space, just add another ssd or hdd. It will save you money by not having to pay a cloud subscription fee depending on how much you are trying to store. A decent ssd for speed and storage will cost you prolly $150-$250. For a cloud service you’ll prolly be looking at $50/year per 1tb of storage. The catch is tho, you stop paying… you loose everything you had on the cloud that wasn’t backed up to a physical device. You’re guna want your shit backed up as a safety measure anyways because you can’t control much of anything if all your pc data is on some company’s cloud server. They increase prices, tough shit. They have security breaches, tough shit.
I’m sure a bunch of lemmy users can chime in with self hosting cloud options for secure cloud storage or something along the lines but I’m answering with an understanding that you might not be ready to dive that deep into something like that.
Cloud storage is good if you are in school, travel alot, work on office on somedays while working from home others, or for sharing data between multiple parties.
If everything you do is going to be on your own local pc, then fuck the cloud.
Oh yeah one last thing, if you delete a file on the cloud, there is no recovery wizard, that ahits gone doggy. I can thank Dropbox for that harsh lesson.
Not sure if you are being sincere or sarcastic but you hit the nail on the head either way. It’s predominantly for paralyzed and disabled people to be able to have mobility. It was a short article but it did cover the two studies:
“The Prime Study, designed for an estimated five patients, allows paralyzed patients to control external devices such as computers or smartphones with their minds. A second study, Convoy, is designed for three patients, and allows them to control devices such as assistive robotic arms.”
I mean you could just read an article if you’re guna ask questions like that lol. They have 2 studies open with the FDA:
“The Prime Study, designed for an estimated five patients, allows paralyzed patients to control external devices such as computers or smartphones with their minds. A second study, Convoy, is designed for three patients, and allows them to control devices such as assistive robotic arms.”
To piggyback on your point, I also think this came out when congress was balls deep fighting the music industry because those devil musicians like Eminem, Korn, Limp Bisquick were ruining the youth.