• Bytemeister@lemmy.world
    7 days ago

    Yeah! And real airline pilots fly the whole time by the seat of their pants!

    Sarcasm aside, antilock brakes, traction control, and driver assistance features are fantastic if/when used correctly. Sure the chip may not be smarter than you, but the chip will always be faster than you. In the time it takes your brain to realize that something has gone wrong where the rubber meets the road, your car’s computers have already started mitigating the issue. What needs to change is the driver’s response to those systems. If they come on, then the driver has gone beyond the driving parameters that the road, weather, and their own skill set will allow, and they need to immediately slow down and reevaluate the conditions.

    • over_clox@lemmy.world
      7 days ago

      That’s not always true. I had a situation where a car backed out in front of me, only like 15 feet in front of me. If I (or the car itself) had hit the brakes, the inertia wouldn’t have allowed the car to stop in time, and I would have plowed into the side of his vehicle.

      There simply wasn’t enough time to bring the vehicle to a complete stop at that moment, but sure enough that’s what the automated stuff would have done.

      I responded within less than a tenth of a second by realizing that an impact was inevitable, and I didn’t want to slam into the side of the idiot’s car, so I did the seemingly counterintuitive thing. I didn’t hit the brakes (no point by then), instead I jerked my steering wheel to the left to avoid a side impact.

      Results: Instead of screeching brakes and slamming into the side of his car, I just clipped his back bumper. Much damage avoided, by my own reactions and not relying on some chip that would have just defaulted to brakes that wouldn’t have been able to stop the vehicle in time.

      • Bytemeister@lemmy.world
        7 days ago

        So what I’m hearing is, you swerved without checking your mirror and still got into an accident with the other car?

        • over_clox@lemmy.world
          7 days ago

          Wrong. Totally wrong.

          The other dude backed out in front of me, he was the one that didn’t check his mirrors or even turn his head to just fucking look.

          Try keeping up will ya, I thought I explained fairly well.

          Matter of fact, try re-reading the second sentence of the comment you responded to. I literally said dude backed out in front of me.

          • Bytemeister@lemmy.world
            7 days ago

            I think you need to re-read what you wrote…

            did the seemingly counterintuitive thing. I didn’t hit the brakes (no point by then), instead I jerked my steering wheel to the left to avoid a side impact.

            Results: Instead of screeching brakes and slamming into the side of his car, I just clipped his back bumper.

            • over_clox@lemmy.world
              7 days ago

              Yes. If you’re going the speed limit of 25mph on a service road, in broad daylight, and some idiot backs out in front of you when you’re only about 15 feet away from them, then there’s no way in hell that you’ll be able to stop the car in time.

              Dude had absolutely no excuse for that either, it was a perfectly clear line of sight, dude just didn’t look.

              Why don’t you try stopping a car going 25mph within 15 feet of distance? It’s not possible in such a short distance.

              It’s called inertia, look it up.

              • Bytemeister@lemmy.world
                7 days ago

                Ah, see, you’re making a straw man here. I did not say anything about being able to stop the vehicle in time.

                What I did say is that you swerved your car, without checking that the next lane over was clear.

                instead I jerked my steering wheel to the left

                And that you still had an accident.

                I just clipped his back bumper.

                Let me know if you need more clarification on what you wrote.

                • over_clox@lemmy.world
                  7 days ago

                  There wasn’t any vehicle in the other lane. There wasn’t even any other vehicle on that stretch of road.

                  I knew what options I had, and there were only two.

                  1. I could have slammed on brakes, but the car wouldn’t have stopped in time. Any attempt of braking on my end would have just given him more time to back out in front of me, which would have led to a side impact and major damages.

                  2. I didn’t want to give him any more time to back out further, so I chose a different maneuver, to quickly steer left to avoid a full side impact. I avoided the brakes because I knew they would have actually made that particular exact situation worse.

                  So I clipped his bumper, so what? No matter what I did, an impact was inevitable anyways, and it was totally his fault. I just made a really quick decision that avoided significant side impact damages.

                  And yes, I made that decision within approximately 1/10th of a second. I don’t think a chip would have done that, a chip would have just attempted to stop, yet due to inertia, would have still slammed into the side of his car.

                  • Bytemeister@lemmy.world
                    7 days ago

                    What I’m saying is, the computer can react faster than you can. This is not up for debate, it’s a fact, and it’s been a fact since the late 70s. Yes, when the car is in an impossible situation, it will get into an accident. Yes, you still need to drive the car. Yes, you mitigated an accident, but you did so at the risk of creating a much worse accident (collision at a high speed, potentially involving other cars in a crash) and implicating yourself as an at-fault party. You got lucky, you may not see it that way, but you did. Sure the other driver fucked up, no argument there. You know what would have helped them though? Cross traffic alert system, and automatic braking to stop them from backing into your lane, hell, it may have triggered on their vehicle and prevented your high(er) speed bumper scrape gambit from being a much worse accident.

                    Also, it’s sounds like the real piece of safety equipment is you need is a dashcam.