I don’t know how people make cakes and cookies witbout eating it raw. It seems to be an american thing. Am I the only Australian eating cake batter and cookie dough?
I have never known anyone to get sick but my possibly not-quite-accurate understanding suggests this may be more of a North American thing because we blast our eggs with chemicals that weaken the shell. While the idea is to kill the salmonella, it also can allow it to permeate the shell and infect the egg, making the chance of getting sick from poorly handled uncooked eggs higher if they have not been kept refrigerated.
I don’t know how people make cakes and cookies witbout eating it raw. It seems to be an american thing. Am I the only Australian eating cake batter and cookie dough?
I have never known anyone to get sick but my possibly not-quite-accurate understanding suggests this may be more of a North American thing because we blast our eggs with chemicals that weaken the shell. While the idea is to kill the salmonella, it also can allow it to permeate the shell and infect the egg, making the chance of getting sick from poorly handled uncooked eggs higher if they have not been kept refrigerated.
As a kid I often got to lick the Mixmaster beaters when Mum was making biscuits or a cake.