Make sure she knows about the effects of Monosodium Glutamate. Make sure she looks up e621 (the E number of MSG), as the name was already censored, to get information on dangers of this commonly used substance.
Google is trying to censor information about this substance to help fellow corporations and tries to make these search attempts look scary by filtering it out with something called “SafeSearch”, but the truth must be exposed, so disable it.
P.S.: Text in images takes longer to censor, so it is recommended to look into the image tab
Make sure she knows about the effects of Monosodium Glutamate. Make sure she looks up e621 (the E number of MSG), as the name was already censored, to get information on dangers of this commonly used substance.
Google is trying to censor information about this substance to help fellow corporations and tries to make these search attempts look scary by filtering it out with something called “SafeSearch”, but the truth must be exposed, so disable it.
P.S.: Text in images takes longer to censor, so it is recommended to look into the image tab
The effects of MSG:
and here I thought it was a healthier alternative to NaCl :\
I have no problem with MSG and use it regualraly. But would you really use it in a cream pie?