I thought this article was interesting, in that I am immediately suspicious of the motives of some of people quoted. The conclusion runs counter to what I want to be true, and I’m curious what other people make of it.

Also men: Do you actually feel attacked? I’m not sure I’ve ever seen someone criticised for like being strong and capable, or a good carpenter, or a protective dad or whatever. Is this a real thing? or just something that is used as cover like the traditional values vs violent misogyny terminology.

P.S. Thinking there are hordes of ravenous cancellers waiting in the wings is extremely funny to me. Not exactly beating the allegations that listening to Jo Rogan damages your perception of reality.

  • JackFrostNCola@lemmy.world
    2 months ago

    Not what you asked for but I assume you already listen to Stuff You Should Know? Thats a super easy listening general science & culture podcast for background listening while working or traffic.