I cant tell if your saying it as ‘ask’ or ‘axe’
I cant tell if your saying it as ‘ask’ or ‘axe’
Which is strange since we have full size electronic billboards (in WA). I don’t believe they can have scrolling text/animations etcs, but they will change once or twice in the time you can see them at fwy speeds.
They are super repulsive to me because they are more vibrant and attention demanding than traditional printed billboards (especially in low light conditions) and feel like late 90’s pop-up ads.
Also i dont need a ~25m² screen changing in my peripheral vision when im already busy keeping to keep an eye on some dickhead in a lifted ford raptor or Yank Tank who is cutting through traffic.
I remember watching a congress inquiry or something into something like student debt or subsidies (iirc) where comedian/tv personality Hasan Minaj was included in the panel. He was a bit out of place next to the usual gov office types cracking jokes half the time (although never inappropriate) and serious the other half and i think someone even noted his presence there being strange. I forget if it was someone in the video or just a comment below the video but they pointed out that they wouldn’t have even been watching this legislation discussion if it wasnt for him and his occasional humorous answers or comments and i realised i wouldnt be watching either. Im not even american.
If comedy is the gravy you need to put on some veggies to make them more palatable for people to consume them then by all means, pour that shit on and get people interested and engaged with the issues at hand.
The every day person doesnt have to agree or change their mind, they just need to be aware and informed so when it comes the time to vote or support a choice they are given then they at least have some further knowledge beyond ‘my political team is going this way so i suppose ill do that’.
I dont want to be another i-dont-care-ican
What are we gonna do Franco, Franco Un-American
^((franco unamerican - NOFX)^)
Yeah i see. I have heard a similar angle of the same tactic for ‘smart trolleys’ where your shopping trolley/cart has a tablet device you scan your customer ID with and then scan items as you shop directly into your cart and when you leave you simply pick your bags out of the trolley and walk out with automatic debiting.
However who is to say what price you see on your screen vs the guy shopping next to you like you just said, tech will really be used for the worst purposes unless regulations are in place.
I dont think i have ever managed to use one of those ‘dip your hands in’ style ones without touching one of the sides after the initial blast kicks in. I much prefer the air blade style where you put your palms and back of hands out in front of them.
Doors that open inwards push air into the room rather than drag it out and this contains smells better so i understand why they do it, but without foot pulls i am annoyed that my clean hands are immediately compromised by every filthy bastard that walks out without washing theirs
Not what you asked for but I assume you already listen to Stuff You Should Know? Thats a super easy listening general science & culture podcast for background listening while working or traffic.
I once saw on an italian restaurant menu the word Taramasalata. I am not sure why but it was very amusing to me that every second letter was ‘a’
Gotta catch em all, Popè-man
Including consumer related data.
This feels to me like “we know this user will typically spend the asking price rather than wait for a discount, so they will always get full price offers” or “according to cookies and other data this user also browses high end products elsewhere so we will offer inflated prices or higher ‘shipping’ costs and they will never question it”
You are correct, i had this back to front. I need more sleep.
You could say i was too tired.
Who you know, and the opportunities they afford is a game changer for career trajectory.
The big reason to pay money or get into a good school isnt that the education is of that much higher quality, its about who your friends are, and more importantly what their parents or parents friends do. You have a friend all through school and one day you are like ‘i wanted to get an internship somewhere but im not sure how to go about it’ and then your friend is like ‘oh my mum/dads friend is a senior manager/team leader at XY good company, im sure they can find you a placement.’
But saying this, it is “who you know not what you know” until your in the job and its a matter of time until it becomes “what you know and who you know won’t save you”, except the rare circumstances where your working for dad in the whitehouse or something.
‘Tyre’ is the american bastardisation spelling, so maybe he is from the USA.
Edit: the opposite is true. I am dumb.
Contracting polio?
Following that logic then how about Penis-Regenmantel?
Definitely not in the next 4 years
Gradual hearing loss is ironically a huge risk/side effect of playing live music. You can get specialty earbuds now that reduce db while not loosing too much frequency range, but it is still noticeable.
Aren’t Red states essentially on welfare from the Blue states? Sounds like lashing out and projection
I for one fully support the hacking, social engineering, or any underhanded ways to get into the accounts of these people and fucking with them back.
Seriously how fragile do you have to be to systematically remove all references of accomplishments, compassion and consideration to anyone who doesnt look like you? Whether they are another gender, race, sexual orientation, political ideology or whatever makes you feel insecure, you deserve for people to also say ‘you know what, maybe i will come and fuck up your shit and see how you feel about it’.
Honestly it does feel like too many lines have and are being crossed that it will force this tit for tat retaliation, which will just escalate until things get dire. However in the end do you let them keep getting away with destroying societal norms and rules or does it come to full political & class war to stop them before they invade poland and france?
Either way there is a heartbreaking certainty for the future of america, a lot of suffering for people of all walks of life.
…except maybe the billionaires.