This isn’t your college or work place break room. If people are saying something you disagree with you can just say it and you won’t be fired or ostracized for it. Yeah, people will probably get angry and say mean things to you but those are just words which can be ignored. Offence is taken, not given.
This is mostly for the lurkers who upvote unpopular opinions but don’t comment. You can speak up - you’re not alone.
I’ve often been banned, blocked, or mass downvoted for saying something unpopular.
Downvotes mean pretty much nothing
And that’s why I tag users lol (sorry, wouldn’t normally share this, but enjoyed the irony of it being in this thread).
You got anything on me? (I had to unblock you to find this comment)
lmao, no
Now I’ve added that you blocked me but I assume you will reblock me and I probably won’t see you again.
I no longer use this account. My new one just is so fresh that I doubt you have anything on that one. I don’t have you blocked on that account because I’m trying new approach to curating my feed and I’m using word filters now rather than blocking people when even they say something stupid.
Also, blocking doesn’t hide my comments from you - just yours from me.
I wish Lemmy would have this feature as default. I’d rather give people few chances rather than immediately blocking them when they say something utterly moronic as I do now.
Me too. I basically don’t block anyone.
Edit: why hate for this?
No idea, I don’t block people either. I do identify them with a tag if I read something interesting or peculiar from them.
Yeah, not all my tags are bad. I just find it odd that would be the comment people downvote, not the one where I actually showed one of my tags. 🤷♂️
Ikr, I suppose it can be just a couple of salty people to push you into the negative
True, but the first two don’t.
Just like you’re free to say it, others are free to not listen. If an user blocks you then so be it - I’m sure you’ve blocked people as well. Downvotes on the other hand are equivalent to mean comments; it can just be ignored. Getting banned is a real risk though, I’ll give you that, but then again, you can just make a new account.
Join an instance with downvotes disabled :p
Downvotes can also be disabled in the settings.
Doesn’t that diable all votes?
No, there are separate settings for up- and downvotes. I don’t see downvotes myself but I see upvotes.
Oh, that must have been added since I last checked.
Good to know!
My instance doesn’t even keep them. They get dropped before they hit our database.