I…I kinda unironically like the spirit behind this in a serious way.
I know things like safety codes and such would need a solution for sure, but a fixable kit car as a response to Tesla’s black-box-appliance-cars would be really freakin excellent right about now.
Should’ve been a kit car
You mean the gnu/linux libre car?
Ah, got to love the Hammerhead Eagle iThrust
“we have Cybertruck at home”
Are you implying the Hammerhead Eagle iThrust is the knock off?
I need to get that license plate for my car lol
omfg that plate is hilarious
I…I kinda unironically like the spirit behind this in a serious way.
I know things like safety codes and such would need a solution for sure, but a fixable kit car as a response to Tesla’s black-box-appliance-cars would be really freakin excellent right about now.
For real.
That they assembled while driving it down the freeway.
“Whaddayamean the brakes are in a different package?!?”
My gear shift is deprecated.
Turn signal is in the AUR
Is there any other way?