• GrymEdm@lemmy.world
    5 months ago
    • Have you forgotten what you wrote like 24 hours ago? “So yes, there are indeed wrong kind of Jews” and then you go on to define them by metrics you create. That isn’t just a sardonic repetition of my words as you claim. YOU condemned some people as the wrong kind of Jews for your own reasons and now, a day later, argue “Nobody is actually condemning people for being the wrong kind of Jew or having the wrong opinion.” Make up your mind.
    • You can read about all the measures taken to label Jewish Voice for Peace as anti-Semitic, hateful, etc. at the link I provided (here again since your ignorance of how they’ve been treated is obvious).
    • Israel has tried to legislate Breaking the Silence out of existence for years. Search Israeli media even briefly and you’ll find a multitude of articles like, “Yes, anti-Zionism is antisemitism”. Netanyahu famously says criticism of Israel or Zionism = anti-Semitism. I shouldn’t have to prove this is being said to anyone with even a casual acquaintance of Israel’s stated position on the matter.
    • The USA passed a resolution a few months ago saying anti-Zionism = anti-Semitism, over the protests of Jewish members of Congress, one who talks about Jews he’s represented who protest Israel. He says that saying anti-Zionism = anti-Semitism is “intellectually disingenuous or factually wrong”, yet the resolution still passed. You can look at how they are treating college protests now to see the practical results of equating criticism of Israel with anti-Semitism. Here’s a Jewish Professor talking about how accusations of anti-Semitism are being weaponized against legitimate protests. Here’s a Holocaust survivor talking about how accusations of anti-Semitism are crap (as in they do exist and he gives examples) and they actually get a “tremendously warm reception” at pro-Palestine/ceasefire protests.
    • Just last month, Germany seized the bank accounts of Pro-Palestinian Jews and demanded all their information. "Independent lawyer Nadija Samour said that this was an unusual request not usually required by the bank, and was “beyond legal.” German authorities have been arresting/hindering/punishing Jews for protesting Israel for months. "We have found ourselves in a Germany where Jews are being persecuted, but this time for “the right reason”, protecting Israel. It’s tragedy coming back as a farce.”

    So, I have specific examples to back up my claims, and to prove yours wrong. Strawman that. Also, yet again I repeat that your arguments are based on the assumption that I somehow support anti-Semites because they are also against Israel. And yes, you specifically say I will defend anti-Semites, with your justification being I criticize governments. I’ve never defended anti-Semitism, I can prove the exact opposite if you want, it’s unfounded and unfair, and no matter how often you assert that it won’t become true.

    Edit: Your edit even says your leap to put words in my mouth makes sense given my “random and unprompted attack on several countries” as if somehow that was proof I support Hamas. Well, I’ve given you just some of the many examples of proof that said attacks aren’t “random or unprompted” above. Frankly your position that my accusations come from nowhere is evidence that you are arguing from ignorance since many of those examples are well-known and all are freely available.

    Give up your flawed argument, adjust your view to fit facts, and next time actually get people’s opinions + the truth of the situation sorted before you launch into attacks.

    • Ooops@kbin.social
      5 months ago

      Have you forgotten what you wrote like 24 hours ago?

      No, I remember how I quoted your fucking bullshit.

      condemned by Israel, the USA, Germany, the UK etc. for being the wrong kind of Jew

      It’s right there. In your own post for everyone to see. Why are you lying?