Retirement edit: I got famous! Canyon201 posted text I wrote in a private Discord server that only News mods and JordanLund had access to, and he posted my screen shot THE DAY I LEFT.
Per Rule 1, do not respond to rule-breaking content; report it and move on.
Here is the abstract of the study you cited (Guth et al 2020):
Recently, epidemiological studies have suggested that fluoride is a human developmental neurotoxicant that reduces measures of intelligence in children, placing it into the same category as toxic metals (lead, methylmercury, arsenic) and polychlorinated biphenyls. If true, this assessment would be highly relevant considering the widespread fluoridation of drinking water and the worldwide use of fluoride in oral hygiene products such as toothpaste…based on the totality of currently available scientific evidence, the present review does not support the presumption that fluoride should be assessed as a human developmental neurotoxicant at the current exposure levels in Europe.
Emphasis mine. Let me rephrase with a made up example:
Recently it’s been suggested that carbon dioxide is poisonous. If true, then the fact that humans are breathing carbon dioxide is worrisome. We reviewed the research, and carbon dioxide is not poisonous in the concentration to which humans are normally exposed. They would have to inhale 80-100% CO2 for an extended duration, and that scenario is highly unlikely because that concentration can only be achieved in a laboratory.
Your study is not saying fluoride is a toxin. It’s saying people have claimed it’s a toxin, they looked into it, and that conclusion is bogus. The study that’s routinely cited as claiming it’s a toxin is this one. Here is Guth et al’s analysis of that study:
In this publication, the authors cited one of their previous studies, a meta-analysis from 2012 of 27 cross-sectional studies investigating children exposed to fluoride in drinking water (Choi et al. 2012). There, a decreased IQ was observed in ‘fluoride exposed’ compared to ‘reference populations’. However, Choi et al. (Choi et al. 2012) also discussed limitations of their findings, e.g., that critical confounders were not considered and age adjustment of cognitive test scores were not reported in most studies included in the meta-analysis. Nevertheless, in the Lancet Neurology review (Grandjean and Landrigan 2014), the authors concluded that fluoride is a human developmental neurotoxicant, although no novel data and arguments were presented. Moreover, it was stated that ‘confounding from other substances seems unlikely in most of these studies’ (Grandjean and Landrigan 2014) without supporting this statement with data. Besides this questionable reinterpretation, further limitations of the meta-analysis have already been discussed in detail by other authors (Feldman 2014; Gelinas and Allukian 2014; Sabour and Ghorbani 2013; Sutton et al. 2015), e.g., the use of non-validated IQ tests (Feldman 2014), exposure of the children to a relatively highly polluted environment, the subsequent risk of possible confounding substances (Feldman 2014; Gelinas and Allukian 2014), and an overall low quality of the meta-analysis (Sutton et al. 2015). Moreover, in the time period after the introduction of fluoridation of drinking water, IQs in general have increased (Feldman 2014). This may be due to secondary factors, such as improved education.
The study you’ve cited does not say fluoride is a developmental neurotoxin. It very explicitly says it is not. Do not claim that it is.
Removed as misinformation. Additional rule violations will prompt a ban.
Removed for clearly misrepresenting health research findings.
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Per Rule 1, do not respond to rule-breaking content; report it and move on.
“First they came for the communists…”
Stay safe. Keep your head down.
Yeah I’ve seen those stats before. I can point to data and testimony, too:
Her lack of change from Biden is much more risky move in terms of losing Pennsylvania.
I’ll note that none of your surveys asked voters how importantly they rate current levels antisemitism, or whether or not they’d vote for one candidate over another if Iran launched a military attack on Israel after we withdrew aid. Overall the questions in those surveys (I’ve read them) are perfect examples of framing choices in a systematic way to arrive at answers you want to hear. Are they wrong? Not necessarily? But do they capture the whole picture? Hardly.
And furthermore, the fact that the “uncommitted” folks (plus Jews and Arabs in both swing states) are stumping for Trump rather than just opting out completely proves that their primary concern is absolutely not the Palestinian people. When you turn away from the person calling for a ceasefire and toward Chief Muslim Ban when he tells Bibi, “Do what you have to do” for the “waterfront property”, you’ve proven your responses to those survey questions are carefully crafted, self-delusional poppycock.
And in any case, they’re about to enjoy the fruits of their labor. They might survive the Project 2025 purge, and their relatives might survive the turning of the sands of Gaza to glass (and then condominiums and casinos), but I doubt it. Y’all want Trump? You’re about to get him. Stay vigilant when they come for you.