Hello guys. Is their some way to disable the Android Auto VPN warning? I use a VPN quite often and every time I go in to my car this warning comes up. But I can not disable mute or suspend it. I am aware AA doesn’t work well with a VPN. But having no way to like accept that is annoying. Now I have to disable the VPN which I don’t always want to do. Or unpair and repair AA every time I want to use it.

Its not like you swipe the warning away. It comes back every few seconds as long as the VPN is on.

If their is someway to disable or even remove this useless feature perhaps with ADB. Do let me know.

EDIT: Thank you all who suggested to to exclude AA from the VPN app. never done this with wireguard but this was indeed the solution!


  • danA
    6 days ago

    The error doesn’t pop up just because you have a VPN connected. It pops up when it can’t actually communicate with the car. All it’s doing is adding some extra text to the error message if a VPN is connected.

    Wireless Android Auto communicates to your car using Wi-Fi Direct. Something is preventing your phone from communicating with the car. Sometimes it’s an improperly configured VPN.

    Does your Wireguard route all traffic through the tunnel, or only traffic for particular IPs? If it works fine when your VPN is off, that means it’s an issue with your VPN configuration. The Android TV version of Wireguard lets you select just specific apps to route over the VPN - does the Android phone version support that?

    For what it’s worth, I use Tailscale and haven’t seen this error.