I’m just so annoyed of fighting this all the time.

If I can’t figure this out I’m going to disable all https redirecting and all certificate errors off so I can have some peace

  • danA
    3 days ago

    I use a wildcard cert in some places, but most of them are individual certs. You can have multiple ACME DNS challenges on a single domain, for example _acme-challenge.first.int.example.com and _acme-challenge.second.int.example.com for first.int.example.com and second.int.example.com respectively.

    The DNS challenge just makes you create a TXT record at that _acme-challenge subdomain. Let’s Encrypt follows CNAMES and supports IPv6-only DNS servers, so I’m using some software called “acme-dns” to run a DNS server specifically for ACME DNS challenges. It’s just listening on a IPv6 in one of my VPS /64 IPv6 range.