I thought we should bring some attention to this.

  • @n3m37h@lemmy.dbzer0.com
    11 month ago

    You never had to join in, the fuck do you think would happen when ya commented?

    Oh yes master, America is great and we should never talk I’ll of the land OF THE FREE ^~to not pay taxes as long as you have enough money~^ and home of the brave

    You have no criminals on the streets with the best armed trained police force in the world and holding 25% of the world incarcerated. Wow thank you for making the wold a much safer place by installing managed democracy around the world. Thank you for the bulmark missiles that defended Canada through out the cold war rather than the AV Roe Arrow. Thank you Bill Gates for CN Rail, thank you 3M for C8, thank you Cocola for Fanta, thanks Atrazine and glyphosate

    Thank you America for fucking this planet at every turn

    • @EatATaco@lemm.ee
      -11 month ago

      Oh yes master, America is great and we should never talk I’ll of the land OF THE FREE

      So you aren’t smart to get out of black and white thinking.

      • @n3m37h@lemmy.dbzer0.com
        1 month ago

        OK I’ll go hide in a cave a forget a massive land mass does not exist, no billionaires that only pay 1-2% taxes. Nope let’s focus across the pond instead of around the world.

        Oh look China just arrested a billionaire for breaking the law…

        • @EatATaco@lemm.ee
          01 month ago

          OK I’ll go hide in a cave a forget a massive land mass does not exist

          Is it possible for you to respond to what was said instead of the delusions you’ve created in your mind? At no point have I said anyone should forget about America. Again, you just aren’t smart enough to not thinking black and white: if I don’t shit on America with every chance I get, well, then, I must be blindly jingoistic! lol