Or in other words, everyone else is complete shit.
Or in other words, everyone else is complete shit.
This is dumb.
I love it.
I ran sid for 6 years without issue. You might like it :)
EDIT: I only switched after my employer mandated an Ubuntu flavor
My mommie always told me I was special
xz for me. I like to keep my backdoor wide open.
Christ, now I have to buy a new jersey
Same. I tend to block all the local communities. Like tbh I don’t really care what’s happening in like Boston
The FreeBSD handbook was my first introduction into the world of *nix. Still an incredible resource even if haven’t used bsd for a few years.
I like squeal. MS-squeal, my-squeal
This is the only real rule. Some airlines will have incentives for checking in early.
EDIT: a little bit of research seems to show varying times down to as low as 30 min, and up to about 90 for international travel.
Because that’s sane and readable?
Did you read the explainxkcd link?